Robert Herrick (Роберт Геррик (Херрик))

To Dianeme (Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes)

Sweet, be not proud of those two eyes,
Which, star-like, sparkle in their skies;
Nor be you proud, that you can see
All hearts your captives, yours, yet free;
Be you not proud of that rich hair
Which wantons with the love-sick air;
Whenas that ruby which you wear,
Sunk from the tip of your soft ear,
Will last to be a precious stone,
When all your world of beauty's gone.

Robert Herrick’s other poems:

  1. A Paranaeticall, or Advisive Verse to His Friend, Mr John Wicks
  2. Upon Julia’s Recovery
  3. To His Mistress, Objecting to Him Neither Toying or Talking
  4. The Present Time Best Pleaseth
  5. The Definition of Beauty

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