Robert Herrick (Роберт Геррик (Херрик))

To the Genius of His House

Command the roof, great Genius, and from thence
Into this house pour down thy influence,
That through each room a golden pipe may run
Of living water by thy benizon;
Fulfil the larders, and with strength'ning bread
Be ever-more these bins replenished.
Next, like a bishop consecrate my ground,
That lucky fairies here may dance their round;
And, after that, lay down some silver pence,
The master's charge and care to recompence.
Charm then the chambers; make the beds for ease,
More than for peevish pining sicknesses;
Fix the foundation fast, and let the roof
Grow old with time, but yet keep weather-proof.

Robert Herrick’s other poems:

  1. A Paranaeticall, or Advisive Verse to His Friend, Mr John Wicks
  2. Upon Julia’s Recovery
  3. The Present Time Best Pleaseth
  4. The Definition of Beauty
  5. The Ceremonies for Candlemas Day

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