Robert Herrick (Роберт Геррик (Херрик))

Upon Julia’s Voice

When I thy singing next shall hear,
I'll wish I might turn all to ear,
To drink-in notes and numbers, such
As blessed souls can't hear too much
Then melted down, there let me lie
Entranced, and lost confusedly;
And by thy music strucken mute,
Die, and be turn'd into a Lute.

Robert Herrick’s other poems:

  1. A Paranaeticall, or Advisive Verse to His Friend, Mr John Wicks
  2. The Present Time Best Pleaseth
  3. The Definition of Beauty
  4. The Ceremonies for Candlemas Day
  5. The Hock-Cart, or Harvest Home: to the Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmorland

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