Sonnet 15. You that haue power to kil, haue will to saue
You that haue power to kil, haue will to saue: O you, fayr leader of the hoast of loue from yealding hands, disarmed praiers approue wch joys nor wealth, but lyfe Captiue craue No weake or foe of force mee vanquisht gaue that faint defence should scorne, not pity moue: vertue, fortune, skil, to my ayde I proue All by you broken, mee forsaken haue. Yowr face, the feelde where beauties orders shine what can resist? yowr eyes, loues Canons strong, The braue directions of yowr lips deuine! wounded I try to scape? In garde along legions of worthe and graces I descry. what meanes then to wth stand, what way to fly?
Robert Sidney’s other poems:
- Sonnet 11. Though the most perfect style cannot attain
- Sonnet 10. She whom I serve to write did not despise
- Sonnet 6. When rest locks up the treasures of delight
- Sonnet 12. Who gives himself, may ill his words deny
- Sonnet 8. If that her worth I could as well forget