Robert Southey (Роберт Саути)

The Widow

Cold was the night wind, drifting fast the snows fell,
Wide were the downs and shelterless and naked,
When a poor Wanderer struggled on her journey
Weary and way-sore.

Drear were the downs, more dreary her reflexions;
Cold was the night wind, colder was her bosom!
She had no home, the world was all before her,
She had no shelter.

Fast o'er the bleak heath rattling drove a chariot,
"Pity me!" feebly cried the poor night wanderer.
"Pity me Strangers! lest with cold and hunger
Here I should perish.

"Once I had friends,--but they have all forsook me!
"Once I had parents,--they are now in Heaven!
"I had a home once--I had once a husband--
"Pity me Strangers!

"I had a home once--I had once a husband--
"I am a Widow poor and broken-hearted!"
Loud blew the wind, unheard was her complaining.
On drove the chariot.

On the cold snows she laid her down to rest her;
She heard a horseman, "pity me!" she groan'd out;
Loud blew the wind, unheard was her complaining,
On went the horseman.

Worn out with anguish, toil and cold and hunger,
Down sunk the Wanderer, sleep had seiz'd her senses;
There, did the Traveller find her in the morning,
GOD had releast her. 

Robert Southey’s other poems:

  1. Поход на МосквуThe March to Moscow
  2. To the Chapel Bell
  3. The Well of St. Keyne
  4. To the Genius of Africa
  5. To Mary Wollstonecraft

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди)) The Widow (“By Mellstock Lodge and Avenue”)
  • Robert Service (Роберт Сервис) The Widow (“I don’t think men of eighty odd”)


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