Sam Walter Foss (Сэм Уолтер Фосс)
The Ideal Husband to His Wife
WE'VE lived for forty years, dear wife, And walked together side by side, And you to-day are just as dear As when you were my bride. I've tried to make life glad for you, One long, sweet honeymoon of joy, A dream of marital content, Without the least alloy. I've smoothed all boulders from our path, That we in peace might toil along, By always hastening to admit That I was right and you were wrong. No mad diversity of creed Has ever sundered me from thee; For I permit you evermore To borrow your ideas of me. And thus it is, through weal or woe, Our love forevermore endures; For I permit that you should take My views and creeds, and make them yours. And thus I let you have my way, And thus in peace we toil along, For I am willing to admit That I am right and you are wrong. And when our matrimonial skiff Strikes snags in love's meandering stream, I lift our shallop from the rocks, And float as in a placid dream. And well I know our marriage bliss While life shall last will never cease; For I shall always let thee do, In generous love, just what I please. Peace comes, and discord flies away, Love's bright day follows hatred's night; For I am ready to admit That you are wrong and I am right.
Sam Walter Foss’s other poems:
- The Trumpets
- The Poster-Painter’s Masterpiece
- Odium Theologicum
- Toil’s Sweet Content
- The Man from the Crowd