Sidney Lanier (Сидни Ланьер)


Written for the Art Autograph during the Irish Famine, 

Heartsome Ireland, winsome Ireland,
Charmer of the sun and sea,
Bright beguiler of old anguish,
How could Famine frown on thee?

As our Gulf-Stream, drawn to thee-ward,
Turns him from his northward flow,
And our wintry western headlands
Send thee summer from their snow,

Thus the main and cordial current
Of our love sets over sea, --
Tender, comely, valiant Ireland,
Songful, soulful, sorrowful Ireland, --
Streaming warm to comfort thee.

Sidney Lanier’s other poems:

  1. Ode to the Johns Hopkins University
  2. From the Flats
  3. Nirvana
  4. A Florida Ghost
  5. Laus Mariae

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Francis Ledwidge (Фрэнсис Ледвидж) Ireland (“I called you by sweet names by wood and linn”)
  • William Watson (Уильям Уотсон) Ireland (“In the wild and lurid desert, in the thunder-travelled ways”)
  • Dora Sigerson Shorter (Дора Сигерсон Шортер) Ireland (“‘Twas the dream of a God”)


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