Sidney Lanier (Сидни Ланьер)

To Charlotte Cushman

Look where a three-point star shall weave his beam
Into the slumb’rous tissue of some stream,
Till his bright self o’er his bright copy seem
Fulfillment dropping on a come-true dream;
So in this night of art thy soul doth show
Her excellent double in the steadfast flow
Of wishing love that through men’s hearts doth go:
At once thou shin’st above and shin’st below.
E’en when thou strivest there within Art’s sky
(Each star must o’er a strenuous orbit fly),
Full calm thine image in our love doth lie,
A Motion glassed in a Tranquillity.
So triple-rayed, thou mov’st, yet stay’st, serene --
Art’s artist, Love’s dear woman, Fame’s good queen!

Sidney Lanier’s other poems:

  1. From the Flats
  2. Ode to the Johns Hopkins University
  3. A Florida Ghost
  4. Nirvana
  5. Laus Mariae


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