Stephen Crane (Стивен Крейн)

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There was one I met upon the road
Who looked at me with kind eyes.
Her said, ”Show me of your wares.”
And this I did,
Holding forth one.
He said, ”It is a sin.”
Then held I forth another;
He said, ”It is a sin.”
Then held I forth another;
He said, ”It is a sin.”
And so to the end;
Always he said, ”It is a sin.”
And, finally, I cried out,
”But I have none other.”
Then did he look at me
With kinder eyes.
”Poor soul!” he said.

Stephen Crane’s other poems:

  1. With eye and with gesture
  2. When the prophet, a complacent fat man
  3. The ocean said to me once
  4. To the maiden
  5. Tell brave deeds of war

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