Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди))

Expectation and Experience

‘I had a holiday once,’ said the woman –
Her name I did not know –
‘And I thought that where I’d like to go,
Of all the places for being jolly,
And getting rid of melancholy,
Would be to a good big fair:
And I went. And it rained in torrents, drenching
Every horse, and sheep, and yeoman,
And my shoulders, face and hair;
And I found that I was the single woman
In the field – and looked quite odd there!
Everything was spirit-quenching:
I crept and stood in the lew of a wall
To think, and could not tell at all
What on earth made me plod there!’

Thomas Hardy’s other poems:

  1. I Thought, My Heart
  2. The Two Houses
  3. The Nettles
  4. The Inscription
  5. The Weary Walker

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