Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди))

In the Street


Only acquaintances
Seem do we,
Each of whom, meeting, says
‘Good morning.’ – Yes: thus we appear to be!

But far, near, left and right,
Here or there,
By day or dingiest night,
I see you: one incomparably fair!

So do we wend our ways,
Beautiful girl,
Along our parallel days;
While unfurl
Our futures, and what there may whelm and whirl.

Thomas Hardy’s other poems:

  1. The Two Houses
  2. The Nettles
  3. The Inscription
  4. The Weary Walker
  5. The Echo-Elf Answers

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Henry Lawson (Генри Лоусон) In the Street (“Where the needle-woman toils”)


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