Thomas Hardy (Томас Гарди (Харди))

The Sundial on a Wet Day

I drip, drip here
In Atlantic rain,
Falling like handfuls
Of winnowed grain,
Which, tear-like, down
My gnomon drain,
And dim my numerals
With their stain, –
Till I feel useless,
And wrought in vain!

And then I think
In my despair
That, though unseen,
He is still up there,
And may gaze out
Anywhen, anywhere;
Not to help clockmen
Quiz and compare,
But in kindness to let me
My trade declare.

St Juliot

Thomas Hardy’s other poems:

  1. The Two Houses
  2. The Weary Walker
  3. The Whaler’s Wife
  4. Yuletide in a Younger World
  5. The Supplanter

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