Thomas Heywood (Томас Хейвуд)

The Woodcock and the Daw

A WOODCOCK and a Daw sat upon a plain,
Both showed comparison each other to disdain.
"Back!" (quoth the Woodcock). "Straw for thee!" (quoth the Daw);
"Shall woodcocks keep daws now in dreadful awe?"
"None awe," (quoth the Woodcock), "but in behaviour,
Ye ought to reverence woodcocks, by your favour!"
"For what cause?" (quoth the Daw), "For your long bills?"
"Nay," (quoth the Woodcock)

Thomas Heywood's other poems:
  1. A Rose and a Nettle
  2. Psyche
  3. Matin Song
  4. Of Books and Cheese
  5. Shepherd's Song

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