Thomas MacDonagh (Томас Макдона)

Dublin Tramcars


A sailor sitting in a tram--
A face that winces in the wind--
That sees and knows me what I am,
That looks through courtesy and sham
And sees the good and bad behind--
He is not God to save or damn,
Thank God, I need not wish him blind!


Calvin and Chaucer I saw to-day
Come into the Terenure car:
Certain I am that it was they,
Though someone may know them here and say
What different men they are,
I know their pictures -- and there they sat,
And passing the Catholic church at Rathgar
Calvin took off his hat
And blessed himself, and Chaucer at that
Chuckled and looked away.

Thomas MacDonagh’s other poems:

  1. Isn’t It Pleasant for the Little Birds
  2. To James Clarence Mangan
  3. A Woman
  4. For Victory
  5. In the Storm

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