Thomas Urquhart (Томас Эркарт)
Epigrams. The First Booke. № 5. The wise, and noble resolution of a truly couragious, and devout spirit, towards the absolute danting of those irregular affections, and inward perturbations, which readily might happen to impede the current of his sanctified designes: and oppose his already ini∣tiated progresse, in the divinely proposed course of a vertuous, and holy life
MY soule shall rule my body, raigne o'r it: And curb the Pentarchie of sensuall charmes; For though they live togither, 'tis not fit, They be compagnons upon equall termes: Page 3 But in my mind J'l harbour such a reason, As strongly may o'rmaster each temptation Can be suggested to't: and choake the Treason Of all, and ev'ry will-betraying passion: In this judicious order the Realme, Or little world of mine owne selfe to guide, It is my whole intent, till J make calme, Rebellious motions, and suppresse the pride Of flesh: then, while J breath, maintaine that right, In spight of Satan, and all worldly might.
Thomas Urquhart’s other poems:
- Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 36. Of Death, and Sin
- Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 23. Of foure things, in an epalleled way vanquished each by other
- Epigrams. The First Booke. № 36. How difficult a thing it is, to tread in the pathes of vertue
- Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 19. The Parallel of Nature, and For∣tune
- Epigrams. The Second Booke. № 13. What the subject of your conference ought to be with men of judgment, and account