Thomas Urquhart (Томас Эркарт)
Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 42. An encouragement to those of meane Parentage, not to be hindered by the Obscurity of their ex∣traction, from the undertaking of glo∣rious enterprises
THe baser, that your Parents are, the greater Renowne, and honour will to you redound; Jf all your actions be on vertue grounded: To give being more, then to receive, and better To have a noble life, then birth: to found A new Nobility, then find it founded.
Thomas Urquhart’s other poems:
- Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 36. Of Death, and Sin
- Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 23. Of foure things, in an epalleled way vanquished each by other
- Epigrams. The First Booke. № 36. How difficult a thing it is, to tread in the pathes of vertue
- Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 19. The Parallel of Nature, and For∣tune
- Epigrams. The Second Booke. № 13. What the subject of your conference ought to be with men of judgment, and account