Vachel Lindsay (Вэчел Линдсей)

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[Written while a field-worker 
in the Anti-Saloon League of Illinois]

King Arthur’s men have come again. 
They challenge everywhere 
The foes of Christ’s Eternal Church. 
Her incense crowns the air. 
The heathen knighthood cower and curse 
To hear the bugles ring, 
But spears are set, the charge is on, 
Wise Arthur shall be king!

And Cromwell’s men have come again, 
I meet them in the street. 
Stern but in this — no way of thorns 
Shall snare the children’s feet. 
The reveling foemen wreak but waste, 
A sodden poisonous band. 
Fierce Cromwell builds the flower-bright towns, 
And a more sunlit land!

And Lincoln’s men have come again. 
Up from the South he flayed, 
The grandsons of his foes arise 
In his own cause arrayed. 
They rise for freedom and clean laws 
High laws, that shall endure. 
Our God establishes his arm 
And makes the battle sure!

Vachel Lindsay’s other poems:

  1. The Potatoes’ Dance
  2. Our Mother Pocahontas
  3. I Heard Immanuel Singing
  4. When Gassy Thompson Struck It Rich
  5. The Tree of Laughing Bells


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