Wallace Stevens (Уоллес Стивенс)

The Poem That Took the Place of a Mountain

There it was, word for word,
The poem that took the place of a mountain.

He breathed its oxygen,
Even when the book lay turned in the dust of his table.

It reminded him how he had needed
A place to go to in his own direction,

How he had recomposed the pines,
Shifted the rocks and picked his way among clouds,

For the outlook that would be right,
Where he would be complete in an unexplained completion:

The exact rock where his inexactness
Would discover, at last, the view toward which they had edged,

Where he could lie and, gazing down at the sea,
Recognize his unique and solitary home.

Wallace Stevens’s other poems:

  1. Valley Candle
  2. The River of Rivers in Connecticut
  3. Nomad Exquisite
  4. Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour
  5. The Plot against the Giant

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