Walt Whitman (Уолт Уитмен)

Leaves of Grass. 24. Autumn Rivulets. 27. Others May Praise What They Like

Others may praise what they like;
But I, from the banks of the running Missouri, praise nothing in art
      or aught else,
Till it has well inhaled the atmosphere of this river, also the
      western prairie-scent,
And exudes it all again.

Walt Whitman’s other poems:

  1. Leaves of Grass. 35. Good-Bye My Fancy. 10. To the Pending Year
  2. Leaves of Grass. 35. Good-Bye My Fancy. 11. Shakspere-Bacon’s Cipher
  3. Leaves of Grass. 35. Good-Bye My Fancy. 13. Bravo, Paris Exposition!
  4. Leaves of Grass. 35. Good-Bye My Fancy. 24. The Commonplace
  5. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 14. Memories

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