Walt Whitman (Уолт Уитмен)

Leaves of Grass. 30. Whispers of Heavenly Death. 10. What Ship Puzzled at Sea

What ship puzzled at sea, cons for the true reckoning?
Or coming in, to avoid the bars and follow the channel a perfect
      pilot needs?
Here, sailor! here, ship! take aboard the most perfect pilot,
Whom, in a little boat, putting off and rowing, I hailing you offer.

Walt Whitman’s other poems:

  1. Leaves of Grass. 35. Good-Bye My Fancy. 10. To the Pending Year
  2. Leaves of Grass. 35. Good-Bye My Fancy. 11. Shakspere-Bacon’s Cipher
  3. Leaves of Grass. 35. Good-Bye My Fancy. 13. Bravo, Paris Exposition!
  4. Leaves of Grass. 35. Good-Bye My Fancy. 24. The Commonplace
  5. Leaves of Grass. 34. Sands at Seventy. 14. Memories

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