William Allingham (Вильям Аллингам)

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Amy Margaret's five years old,
Amy Margaret's hair is gold,
Dearer twenty-thousand-fold
Than gold, is Amy Margaret.
"Amy" is friend, is "Margaret"
The pearl for crown or carkanet?
Or peeping daisy, summer's pet?
Which are you, Amy Margaret?
A friend, a daisy, and a pearl,
A kindly, simple, precious girl, --
Such, howsoe'er the world may twirl,
Be ever, -- Amy Margaret! 

William Allingham’s other poems:

  1. The Touchstone
  2. The Girl’s Lamentation
  3. The Lover and Birds
  4. Let Me Sing of What I Know
  5. To the Author of ‘Hesperides

To the dedicated English version of this website