William Barnes (Уильям Барнс)

First Collection. Sundry Pieces. The Wold Waggon

The girt wold waggon uncle had,
When I wer up a hardish lad,
Did stand, a-screen’d vrom het an’ wet,
In zummer at the barken geäte,
Below the elems’ spreadèn boughs,
A-rubb’d by all the pigs an’ cows.
An’ I’ve a-clom his head an’ zides,
A-riggèn up or jumpèn down
A-plaÿèn, or in happy rides
Along the leäne or drough the groun’.
An’ many souls be in their greäves,
That rod’ together on his reäves;
An’ he, an’ all the hosses too,
’V a-ben a-done vor years agoo.

Upon his head an’ taïl wer pinks,
A-païnted all in tangled links;
His two long zides wer blue,—his bed
Bent slightly upward at the head;
His reäves rose upward in a bow
Above the slow hind-wheels below.
Vour hosses wer a-kept to pull
The girt wold waggon when ’twer vull;
The black meäre Smiler, strong enough
To pull a house down by herzuf,
So big, as took my widest strides
To straddle halfway down her zides;
An’ champèn Vi’let, sprack an’ light,
That foam’d an’ pull’d wi’ all her might:
An’ Whitevoot, leäzy in the treäce,
Wi’ cunnèn looks an’ show-white feäce;
Bezides a baÿ woone, short-taïl Jack,
That wer a treäce-hoss or a hack.

How many lwoads o’ vuzz, to scald
The milk, thik waggon have a-haul’d!
An’ wood vrom copse, an’ poles vor raïls,
An’ bavèns wi’ their bushy taïls;
An’ loose-ear’d barley, hangèn down
Outzide the wheels a’móst to groun’,
An’ lwoads o’ haÿ so sweet an’ dry,
A-builded straïght, an’ long, an’ high;
An’ haÿ-meäkers, a-zittèn roun’
The reäves, a-ridèn hwome vrom groun’,
When Jim gi’ed Jenny’s lips a-smack,
An’ jealous Dicky whipp’d his back,
An’ maïdens scream’d to veel the thumps
A-gi’ed by trenches an’ by humps.
But he, an’ all his hosses too,
’V a-ben a-done vor years agoo.

William Barnes’s other poems:

  1. First Collection. Winter. Keepèn up o’ Chris’mas
  2. Third Collection. Comen Hwome
  3. Second Collection. Slow to come, quick agone
  4. Second Collection. John Bleäke at Hwome
  5. Third Collection. Things do Come Round


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