William Barnes (Уильям Барнс)

Second Collection. A Wife a-praïs’d

’Twer Maÿ, but ev’ry leaf wer dry
All day below a sheenèn sky;
The zun did glow wi’ yollow gleäre,
An’ cowslips blow wi’ yollow gleäre,
Wi’ grægles’ bells a-droopèn low,
An’ bremble boughs a-stoopèn low;
While culvers in the trees did coo
 Above the vallèn dew.

An’ there, wi’ heäir o’ glossy black,
Bezide your neck an’ down your back,
You rambled gaÿ a-bloomèn feäir;
By boughs o’ maÿ a-bloomèn feäir;
An’ while the birds did twitter nigh,
An’ water weäves did glitter nigh,
You gather’d cowslips in the lew,
 Below the vallèn dew.

An’ now, while you’ve a-been my bride
As years o’ flow’rs ha’ bloom’d an’ died,
Your smilèn feäce ha’ been my jaÿ;
Your soul o’ greäce ha’ been my jaÿ;
An’ wi’ my evenèn rest a-come,
An’ zunsheen to the west a-come,
I’m glad to teäke my road to you
 Vrom vields o’ vallèn dew.

An’ when the raïn do wet the maÿ,
A-bloomèn where we woonce did straÿ,
An’ win’ do blow along so vast,
An’ streams do flow along so vast;
Ageän the storms so rough abroad,
An’ angry tongues so gruff abroad,
The love that I do meet vrom you
 Is lik’ the vallèn dew.

An’ you be sprack’s a bee on wing,
In search ov honey in the Spring:
The dawn-red sky do meet ye up;
The birds vu’st cry do meet ye up;
An’ wi’ your feäce a-smilèn on,
An’ busy hands a-tweilèn on,
You’ll vind zome useful work to do
 Until the vallèn dew.

William Barnes’s other poems:

  1. Third Collection. Comen Hwome
  2. Second Collection. Slow to come, quick agone
  3. Second Collection. John Bleäke at Hwome
  4. Third Collection. Things do Come Round
  5. Third Collection. I’m out o’ Door

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