William Browne (Уильям Броун)

To England

Hail, thou my native soil! thou blessed plot
Whose equal all the world affordeth not!
Show me who can so many crystal rills,
Such sweet-clothed valleys or aspiring hills;
Such wood-ground, pastures, quarries, wealthy mines;
Such rocks in whom the diamond fairly shines;
And if the earth can show the like again,
Yet will she fail in her sea-ruling men.

From Britannia's Pastorals.

William Browne’s other poems:

  1. May Day Customs
  2. A Concert of Birds
  3. Behold, O God!
  4. Night
  5. A Welcome

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Alfred Austin (Альфред Остин) To England (“Men deemed thee fallen, did they? fallen like Rome”)

    To the dedicated English version of this website