William Ernest Henley (Уильям Эрнст Хенли)

Echoes. 44. If It Should Come to Be

If it should come to be,
This proof of you and me,
      This type and sign
Of hours that smiled and shone,
And yet seemed dead and gone
      As old-world wine:

Of Them Within the Gate
Ask we no richer fate,
      No boon above,
For girl child or for boy,
My gift of life and joy,
      Your gift of love.

William Ernest Henley’s other poems:

  1. Rhymes and Rhythms. 23. Here They Trysted, Here They Strayed
  2. Rhymes and Rhythms. Epilogue
  3. Rhymes and Rhythms. 20. The Shadow of Dawn
  4. Rhymes and Rhythms. 21. When the Wind Storms by with a Shout, and the Stern Sea-Caves
  5. In Hospital. 12. Etching

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