William Lisle Bowles (Уильям Лайл Боулз)

Sonnet 1. As slow I climb the cliff’s ascending side

As slow I climb the cliff's ascending side,
Much musing on the track of terror past
When o'er the dark wave rode the howling blast,
Pleas'd I look back, and view the tranquil tide,
That laves the pebbled shore; and now the beam
Of evening smiles on the grey battlement,
And yon forsaken tow'r, that time has rent.
The lifted oar far oft with silver gleam
Is touch'd, and the hush'd billows seem to sleep.
Sooth'd by the scene, ev'n thus on sorrow's breast
A kindred stillness steals and bids her rest;
Whilst the weak winds that sigh along the deep,
The ear, like lullabies of pity, meet,
Singing her saddest notes of farewell sweet.

William Lisle Bowles’s other poems:

  1. Sonnet 11. Written at Ostend
  2. Elegy Written at the Hot-Wells, Bristol
  3. Sonnet 13. O Time!
  4. Netley Abbey
  5. Sonnet 5. To the River Tweed

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