William Shakespeare (Уильям Шекспир)

Bridal Song

ROSES, their sharp spines being gone,
Not royal in their smells alone,
   But in their hue;
Maiden pinks, of odour faint,
Daisies smell-less, yet most quaint,
   And sweet thyme true;

Primrose, firstborn child of Ver;
Merry springtime's harbinger,
   With her bells dim;
Oxlips in their cradles growing,
Marigolds on death-beds blowing,
   Larks'-heels trim;

All dear Nature's children sweet
Lie 'fore bride and bridegroom's feet,
   Blessing their sense!
Not an angel of the air,
Bird melodious or bird fair,
   Be absent hence!

The crow, the slanderous cuckoo, nor
The boding raven, nor chough hoar,
   Nor chattering pye,
May on our bride-house perch or sing,
Or with them any discord bring,
   But from it fly! 

William Shakespeare’s other poems:

  1. From Venus And Adonis
  2. Hark! Hark! The Lark
  3. How Like A Winter Hath My Absence Been
  4. A Lover’s Complaint
  5. From The Rape Of Lucrece

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Gerald Massey (Джеральд Масси) Bridal Song (“GAILY the Sun woos the Spring for his Bride”)

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