William Vaughn Moody (Уильям Воэн Муди)

On the River

The faint stars wake and wonder,
Fade and find heart anew;
Above us and far under
Sphereth the watchful blue.

Silent she sits, outbending,
A wild pathetic grace,
A beauty strange, heart-rending,
Upon her hair and face.

O spirit cries that sever
The cricket's level drone!
O to give o'er endeavor
And let love have its own!

Within the mirrored bushes
There wakes a little stir;
The white-throat moves, and hushes
Her nestlings under her.

Beneath, the lustrous river,
The watchful sky o'erhead.
God, God, that Thou should'st ever
Poison thy children's bread!

William Vaughn Moody’s other poems:

  1. The Golden Journey
  2. Road-Hymn for the Start
  3. The Daguerreotype
  4. The Departure
  5. Harmonics

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