We jumped naked
Into the fond pond
Of our boyhoods
Where we loved to
Loll and wallow
Like playing dogs
Chasing frogs madly around
From one lotus leaf to another
Our pants beside the muddy path
Blown far away
In a hot and humid dream
End of the poem
15 random poems
- Dawned Again
- Rita And The Rifle by Mahmoud Darwish
- bells_pool_and_sleep.html
- Jerusalem Delivered – Book 03 – part 04 by Torquato Tasso
- Sonnet 45: The other two, slight air and purging fire by William Shakespeare
- Dawn by Rupert Brooke
- Sonnet 44: If the dull substance of my flesh were thought by William Shakespeare
- Robert Burns: Delia, An Ode : “To the Editor of The Star.-Mr. Printer-If the productions of a simple ploughman can merit a place in the same paper with Sylvester Otway, and the other favourites of the Muses who illuminate the Star with the lustre of genius, your insertion of the enclosed trifle will be succeeded by future communications from-Yours, &c., R. Burns. Ellisland, near Dumfries, 18th May, 1789.”
- Blue Glass by Ross D Tyler
- Broken Love by William Blake
- Sonnet 43: When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see by William Shakespeare
- Robert Burns: O Bonie Was Yon Rosy Brier:
- Sonnet 46: Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war by William Shakespeare
- Наум Коржавин – Комиссары
- Cry of the Betrayed Earth by Walter William Safar
Some external links:
Duckduckgo.com – the alternative in the US
Quant.com – a search engine from France, and also an alternative, at least for Europe
Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).