A poem by Alexander Pushkin – Pouchkine, Pooshkin (1799-1837), in English translation
He’s blessed, who lives in peace, that’s distant
From the ignorant fobs with calls,
Who can provide his every instance
With dreams, or labors, or recalls;
To whom the fate sends friends in score,
Who hides himself by Savior’s back
From bashful fools, which lull and bore,
And from the impudent ones, which wake.
A few random poems:
- Вера Павлова – Толстые икры правителей
- Savantism. by Walt Whitman
- Clouds Above The Sea by Philip Levine
- Absolution by Siegfried Sassoon
- City of Orgies. by Walt Whitman
- Ольга Седакова – Как упавшую руку
- In Imitation of E. of Dorset : Artemisia poem – Alexander Pope
- On Death poem – John Keats poems
- Ольга Седакова – С нежностью и глубиной
- Et Le Marbre Creuse… by Martine Morillon-Carreau
- Perseus by Sylvia Plath
- The Source by W. S. Merwin
- The rainy Pleiads wester poem – A. E. Housman
- Mary’s Son by Rudyard Kipling
- Sonnet V
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Алексей Плещеев – Цветок
- Алексей Плещеев – Бабушка и внучек
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Золото
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Земля
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Хлоя
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Весенний дождь
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Утро
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Талисман
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Суд
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Семик
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Приворот
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Плач
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Осеннее золото
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Москва
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Лесная дева
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Лель
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Купальские игрища
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Колыбельная
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Гроза
- Алексей Николаевич Толстой – Егорий, волчий пастырь
More external links (open in a new tab):
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Ecosia – a search engine that supposedly… plants trees
Duckduckgo – the real alternative and a search engine that actually works. Without much censorship or partisan politics.
Yahoo– yes, it’s still around, amazingly, miraculously, incredibly, but now it seems to be powered by Bing.
Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works

Alexander Pushkin (1799-1937) was a Russian poet, playwright and prose writer, founder of the realistic trend in Russian literature, literary critic and theorist of literature, historian, publicist, journalist; one of the most important cultural figures in Russia in the first third of the 19th century.