O if thou knew’st how thou thy selfe dost harme,
And dost preiudge thy blisse, and spoile my rest:
Then thou would’st melt the yce out of thy brest,
And thy relenting heart would kindly warme.
O if thy pride did not our ioyes controule,
What world of louing wonders should’st thou see!
For if I saw thee once transform’d in me,
Then in thy bosome I would poure my soule,
Then all thy thoughts should in my visage shine.
And if that ought mischanc’d thou should’st not mone,
Nor beare the burthen of thy griefes alone;
No, I would haue my share in what were thine.
And whil’st we thus should make our sorrowes one,
This happie harmonie would make them none.
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
© Poetry Monster, 2021.
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