A poem by Alan Seeger (1888-1916)
Not that I always struck the proper mean
Of what mankind must give for what they gain,
But, when I think of those whom dull routine
And the pursuit of cheerless toil enchain,
Who from their desk-chairs seeing a summer cloud
Race through blue heaven on its joyful course
Sigh sometimes for a life less cramped and bowed,
I think I might have done a great deal worse;
For I have ever gone untied and free,
The stars and my high thoughts for company;
Wet with the salt-spray and the mountain showers,
I have had the sense of space and amplitude,
And love in many places, silver-shoed,
Has come and scattered all my path with flowers.
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- Robert Burns: Scots’ Prologue For Mr. Sutherland: On his Benefit-Night, at the Theatre, Dumfries.
- O Tan-faced Prairie Boy. by Walt Whitman
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- The Moon’s the North Wind’s Cooky by Vachel Lindsay
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- Владимир Высоцкий – Оловянные солдатики
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
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Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- The Broomfield Hill poem – Andrew Lang poems
- The Bonny Hind poem – Andrew Lang poems
- The Bonnie House O’ Airly poem – Andrew Lang poems
- The Bonnie Earl Moray poem – Andrew Lang poems
- The Battle Of Killie-Crankie poem – Andrew Lang poems
- The Battle Of Harlaw–Evergreen Version poem – Andrew Lang poems
- St. Andrew’s Bay poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Sir Hugh; Or The Jew’s Daughter poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Scythe Song poem – Andrew Lang poems
- A Scot To Jeanne D’Arc poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Rose The Red And White Lily poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Robin Hood And The Potter poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Robin Hood And The Monk poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Robin Hood And The Butcher poem – Andrew Lang poems
- A Portrait Of 1783 poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Andrew Lang – Andrew Lang Poems
- On Calais Sands poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Melville And Coghill – The Place Of The Little Hand poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Mary Ambree poem – Andrew Lang poems
- Love Gregor; Or, The Lass Of Lochroyan poem – Andrew Lang poems
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Alan Seeger (1888-1916) was an American war poet who fought and died in World War I during the Battle of the Somme, serving in the French Foreign Legion. Seeger was the brother of Charles Seeger, a noted American pacifist and musicologist and the uncle of folk musician, Pete Seeger.