A profusion of vehicles are maneuvering to park,
Bringing food, cheer and surprises to the masses.
Colorful stands, wagons and rides add that spark.
Vendors struggle to get situated by dark,
Hungry crowds are moving like molasses;
A profusion of vehicles are maneuvering to park.
Soon the crowds cheer, babies cry, dogs bark,
They marvel at the horses, sheep and even asses;
Colorful stands, wagons and rides add that spark.
Folks try the midway rides and games on a lark,
Tour horticulture building to see flowers and grasses;
A profusion of vehicles are maneuvering to park.
Bouncing between attractions like a wayward quark,
So much to see, where do they issue gate passes?
Colorful stands, wagons and rides add that spark.
The butter sculptors have outdone themselves, I remark.
All this food is producing unpleasant bodily gasses!
A profusion of vehicles are maneuvering to park,
Colorful stands, wagons and rides add that spark!
End of the poem
15 random poems
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- Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord, If I Contend poem – Gerard Manley Hopkins poems
- English Poetry. Isaac Watts. Hymn 2. Исаак Уоттс.
- Lines To Fanny poem – John Keats poems
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- The Messiah : A Sacred Eclogue poem – Alexander Pope
- On A True Friend (From The Greek) by William Cowper
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- Calling The Spirits
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- Paraphrase of the First Psalm by Robert Burns
- Aquarium epoch by Vladimir Marku
- one_sweet_white_light.html
- Николай Некрасов – Внимая ужасам войны
Some external links:
Duckduckgo.com – the alternative in the US
Quant.com – a search engine from France, and also an alternative, at least for Europe
Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).