
Did you just break up? Heart broken? Here are some tips for getting back together, if that’s what you really want. There’s no need to look up broken heart poems and quotes. By following these proven techniques and strategies for reigniting love and passion you can be happy once again.

The vast majority of people don’t know about these techniques. Why? Because they’re totally counterintuitive. In the often confusing world of relationships, what appears to be the “right thing to do” is often altogether wrong! For example, when we have the urge to call our ex is exactly when we should put down the phone. And when we most desire to show our emotions is exactly when we should put a lid on it.

It’s hard to save a relationship once some damage has been done. That’s why there are so many broken hearts. Most people mistakenly believe they should act upon their feelings and express their emotions truthfully. Wrong!

For example, if you would like to get back together with an ex, your first step is to accept the break up. Say, “yes, you’re right, we should not be together.” This isn’t how you really feel, but your ex needs some time alone if they’re ever going to miss you.

In fact, don’t talk or communicate with your ex at all. This is extremely difficult for most people, but you have to do it. Eventually, you’ll get together again. But this initial separation sets the stage for a powerful reunion.

There are lots of methods like these for fixing a broken relationship. Regrettably, most people do precisely what they shouldn’t. The result is divorce and broken heart poems and quotes.


Source by Robert M Henderson