Are you one of the ladies out there who is afraid to wear a two-piece swimming suit or sexy short pants because of the ugly stretch marks on your abdomen and crotch area? You received a lot of invitations to have some fun in the beach but you are ashamed to show off your hidden assets: your stretch marks. Stretch marks come in different forms and causes.
Pregnancy is the number one cause of stretch marks due to constant scratching of the tummy area. Some pregnant women cannot control their hands when they feel the need to scratch their abdomen. After giving birth, the new mother realizes that she has done a big mistake throughout her life. Other causes of striation or commonly called stretch marks are weight gain and natural growth of skin.
Getting extra bulge could result to these unsightly marks that usually occur in the tummy area, buttocks, legs and crotch area. Women who used to be chubby during their childhood usually get marks. Removing then should be taken with proper care because there are removal creams that can do harm instead of lessening the striation. In buying removal cream you should try to make some inquiry online as to the composition of this cream so you will know if this is effective or not.
Make some research and follow your instinct when comparing stretch mark removal cream brands. Scrutinize the label of each cream and have patience when you read the cream’s literature. Reading the literature can help a lot in knowing what are the ingredients used in the manufacture of the removal cream.
Most common ingredients found in a stretch mark removal cream are natural herbs like alfalfa, lavender oil, rosemary oil, green tea, aloe vera, and chamomile oil. These plants are found to have soothing and rejuvenating effect on the skin. Alfalfa is enriched with vitamins E and K that help promotes smooth and flawless skin. It has also protein and minerals that aids in the restoration of damaged skin due to burns and helps in achieving the desired skin tone.
The most popular herbs in the group is aloe vera. Aloe vera plant has plenty of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and active compounds that enhance skin rejuvenation after a burn. This plant common in the Mexican dessert can mitigate ugly marks on the skin such as keloids and scars. Chamomile oil, lavender oil and rosemary oil are extracted from the plant itself that can enhance the growth of skin cell that has been damaged due to skin diseases, and burns.
The combination of these ingredients can also help improve the collagen structure of the skin, and aids in increasing its natural elasticity. The cream if religiously applied on the skin will penetrate to the deepest portion of the epidermal cell layers by improving the skin elasticity. It also strengthens the skin tissues that are enriched with elastin which is responsible for the skin flexibility.
In removing marks, these herbs act together and helps lessen the stretching of the skin that forms a series of white, gray or sometimes brown lines over the buttocks, legs, crotch and tummy areas. Now, the removal cream acts on the affected skin by repairing the ugly sight and replacing it with new one. Some removal creams take effect in 7 to 10 days depending on the application of its users. When applying the stretch mark removal cream, rub it on the affected skin and apply it three times a day if needed. If you have not seen any sign of improvement, shift to other brands that you can buy over the counter. A doctor’s prescription is not needed when buying a removal cream.
Source by Albert Yuan Chen