Gubbinal by Wallace Stevens

That strange flower, the sun, Is just what you say. Have it your way. The world is ugly, And the people are sad. That tuft of jungle feathers, That animal eye, Is just what you say. That savage of fire, That seed, Have it your way. The world is ugly, And the people are sad. […]

Fabliau Of Florida by Wallace Stevens

Barque of phosphor On the palmy beach, Move outward into heaven, Into the alabasters And night blues. Foam and cloud are one. Sultry moon-monsters Are dissolving. Fill your black hull With white moonlight. There will never be an end To this droning of the surf. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem […]

Earthy Anecdote by Wallace Stevens

Every time the bucks went clattering Over Oklahoma A firecat bristled in the way. Wherever they went, They went clattering, Until they swerved In a swift, circular line To the right, Because of the firecat. Or until they swerved In a swift, circular line To the left, Because of the firecat. The bucks clattered. The […]

Depression Before Spring by Wallace Stevens

The cock crows But no queen rises. The hair of my blonde Is dazzling, As the spittle of cows threading the wind. Ho! Ho! But ki-ki-ri-ki Brings no rou-cou, No rou-cou-cou. But no queen comes In slipper green. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and […]

A Clear Day And No Memories by Wallace Stevens

No soldiers in the scenery, No thoughts of people now dead, As they were fifty years ago, Young and living in a live air, Young and walking in the sunshine, Bending in blue dresses to touch something, Today the mind is not part of the weather. Today the air is clear of everything. It has […]

Another Weeping Woman by Wallace Stevens

Pour the unhappiness out From your too bitter heart, Which grieving will not sweeten. Poison grows in this dark. It is in the water of tears Its black blooms rise. The magnificent cause of being, The imagination, the one reality In this imagined world Leaves you With him for whom no phantasy moves, And you […]

Anecdote Of Canna by Wallace Stevens

Huge are the canna in the dreams of X, the mighty thought, the mighty man. They fill the terrace of his capitol. His thought sleeps not. Yet thought that wakes In sleep may never meet another thought Or thing… Now day-break comes… X promenades the dewy stones, Observes the canna with a clinging eye, Observes […]

The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot

  The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot On the meaning and significance of the poem Translations   The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot FOR EZRA POUND IL MIGLIOR FABBRO                 I. The Burial of the Dead   April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull […]

I love you

Alexander Bashlachev – I love you (translated by Fledermaus,  Евгений Сухарников, Сopyright 2021) I love you I love you I want you I love thee I want thee Yes, the floor in the hunt is now a mess I trust thee I trust thee I trust thee Russian original Я тебя люблю Александр Башлачев – […]