Ode poem – Amr ibn Kulthum poems | Poems and Poetry

Ha girl! Up with the bowl! Give us our dawn draught And do not spare the wines of al-Andarina, The brightly sparkling, as if by saffron were in them Whenever the mulled water is mingled with them, That swing the hotly desirous from his passion When he has tasted them to gentle […]

Nocturno poem – Ana Chig poems | Poems and Poetry

Mi voz entre el ladrillo enmudece la noche no habla, ni el sendero, ni los grillos sometidos por el frío todo queda inmóvil el sereno se desprende las sombras desvanecen y mi rostro se oculta abatido entre la almohada. Silencio, que la aurora llega… Ana Chig […]

My Mask poem – Amy Haritha Suseel poems | Poems and Poetry

It was a sunny afternoon, the sun shone bright beside me an ocean of tears, before me a mask of joys i hid my fears within my sides. I wore masks, different of them no one saw the real me. i were them most often. When my heart cries, my eyes blink. When my […]

Mujer Libanesa I poem – Amir Ibn Tawfik poems | Poems and Poetry

Mujer Libanesa Eres vida, por ti existo y hoy te escribo; Buscándote en el horizonte, logro ver al lucero, acariciando la línea del horizonte, de nuestro mar, el eterno Mediterráneo. Camino por las playas de Beirut, Bebiendo fresca madrugada, enhebrando collares de bruma, las ondas son los versos, que el gemir del mar […]

Mother Ocean poem – Amy E. Johnsen poems | Poems and Poetry

Ancient of days, Deep to endless fathoms, Mysterious to the infinite, Vast expanse of liquid space, Woman of Timeless Beauty. Enraged, you batter relentlessly all that you encounter, Tranquil, your peace transcends time and worry. You teem with unseen life While jealously guarding the Secrets of the Dead. Your salty tears honor the […]

Milagros Retenidos poem – Ana Chig poems | Poems and Poetry

Con el sombrero puesto y un olor a viaje descendiendo por las escaleras en repentina lasitud extendió su mano venosa, su cuerpo cernido de sueños en el oscuro reducto de la partida que se obliga La calle fue una oleada acompasada por el ruido la distancia una vieja encorvada y silenciosa Había un […]

Midnight poem – Amy Michelle Mosier poems | Poems and Poetry

Seizuring so as if escaping from fright You awoke suddenly near about midnight Then rolled over meeting my body halfway By instinct, drew nearer and kissed me straight away. Your cheek, always soft, nestled against mine. Your muscular hand came to rest upon my thigh. In my ear, your breath came like wind rushing. […]

Landscapes poem – Andree Chedid poems | Poems and Poetry

Behind faces and gestures We remain mute And spoken words heavy With what we ignore or keep silent Betray us I dare not speak for mankind I know so little of myself But the Landscape I see as a reflection Is also a lie stealing into My words I speak without remorse Of this […]

Ka ‘Ba poem – Amiri Baraka poems | Poems and Poetry

A closed window looks down on a dirty courtyard, and black people call across or scream or walk across defying physics in the stream of their will Our world is full of sound Our world is more lovely than anyone’s tho we suffer, and kill each other and sometimes fail to walk the […]

Goddess poem – Amitabh Vikram Dwivedi poems | Poems and Poetry

O Goddess! You are the sweetest; you are the supreme. Embodiment of motherhood, earth, fertility, and love. You rule over war, destruction, death, and creation. As a mother you bring us up, as earth in you we abide. As a sacred female you bear fruits of love and life. O fearless! O female creator! […]

Beachy Blues poem – Andrew Neil Maternick poems | Poems and Poetry

“you’re getting a whooped tail” father barks to son as i hold a mermaid’s nail spirit holding a ton Birds cross paths Along the shore Another woman laughs As waves righteously roar Sky now dark many eyes explore camera goes spark moment no more Along spirits sail Towards a setting […]

Among hills Apache red poem – Amy Michelle Mosier poems | Poems and Poetry

Among hills Apache red Where damas and vaqueros Built up a homestead Past the mercados And hills with a vague past Running aside the mission – Its white walls chaste In the glow of the noontime sun – Past a dreamy mountain range And several places where in brief There was a Butterfield stage […]

A song of living poem – Amelia Burr poems | Poems and Poetry

Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. I have sent up my gladness on wings, to be lost in the blue of the sky. I have run and leaped with the rain, I have taken the wind to my breast. My cheeks like a drowsy child to the face […]

On The Wedding Of The Aeronaut poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

Aeronaut, you’re fairly caught, Despite your bubble’s leaven: Out of the skies a lady’s eyes Have brought you down to Heaven! No more, no more you’ll freely soar Above the grass and gravel: Henceforth you’ll walk-and she will chalk The line that you’re to travel! Ambrose BierceAmbrose Bierce, (born June 24, […]

To E.S. Salomon poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

What! Salomon! such words from you, Who call yourself a soldier? Well, The Southern brother where he fell Slept all your base oration through. Alike to him – he cannot know Your praise or blame: as little harm Your tongue can do him as your arm A quarter-century ago. The brave respect the […]

The Passing Show poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

I I know not if it was a dream. I viewed A city where the restless multitude, Between the eastern and the western deep Had reared gigantic fabrics, strong and rude. Colossal palaces crowned every height; Towers from valleys climbed into the light; O’er dwellings at their feet, great golden domes Hung in […]

The New Decalogue poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

Have but one God: thy knees were sore If bent in prayer to three or four. Adore no images save those The coinage of thy country shows. Take not the Name in vain. Direct Thy swearing unto some effect. Thy hand from Sunday work be held- Work not at all unless compelled. Honor […]

The Mad Philosopher poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

The flabby wine-skin of his brain Yields to some pathologic strain, And voids from its unstored abysm The driblet of an aphorism. Ambrose BierceAmbrose Bierce, (born June 24, 1842, Meigs county, Ohio, U.S.—died 1914, Mexico?), American newspaperman, wit, satirist, poet, and author of sardonic short stories based on themes of death […]

The Legatee poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

In fair San Francisco a good man did dwell, And he wrote out a will, for he didn’t feel well. Said he: “It is proper, when making a gift, To stimulate virtue by comforting thrift.” So he left all his property, legal and straight, To “the cursedest rascal in all of the State.” […]

The Key Note poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

I dreamed I was dreaming one morn as I lay In a garden with flowers teeming. On an island I lay in a mystical bay, In the dream I dreamed I was dreaming. The ghost of a scent-had it followed me there From the place where I truly was resting? It filled like […]

The Death Of Grant poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

Father! whose hard and cruel law Is part of thy compassion’s plan, Thy works presumptuously we scan For what the prophets say they saw. Unbidden still the awful slope Walling us in we climb to gain Assurance of the shining plain That faith has certified to hope. In vain! – beyond the circling […]

The Day Of Wrath / Dies Iræ poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

Day of Satan’s painful duty! Dies iræ! dies illa! Earth shall vanish, hot and sooty; Solvet sæclum in favilla So says Virtue, so says Beauty. Teste David cum Sibylla. Ah! what terror shall be shaping Quantus tremor est futurus, When the Judge the truth’s undraping- Quando Judex est venturus. Cats from every bag […]

The Confederate Flags poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

Tut-tut! give back the flags – how can you care, You veterans and heroes? Why should you at a kind intention swear Like twenty Neros? Suppose the act was not so overwise – Suppose it was illegal; Is’t well on such a question to arise And punch the Eagle? Nay, let’s economize his […]

The Bride poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

“YOU know, my friends, with what a brave carouse I made a second marriage in my house,- Divorced old barren Reason from my bed And took the Daughter of the Vine to spouse.” So sang the Lord of Poets. In a gleam Of light that made her like an angel seem, The Daughter of […]

T.A.H. poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

YES, he was that, or that, as you prefer,- Did so and so, though, faith, it was n’t all; Lived like a fool, or a philosopher, And had whatever’s needful to a fall. As rough inflections on a planet merge In the true bend of the gigantic sphere, Nor mar the perfect circle […]

Presentiment poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

WITH saintly grace and reverent tread She walked among the graves with me; Her every footfall seemed to be A benediction on the dead. The guardian spirit of the place She seemed, and I some ghost forlorn, Surprised by the untimely morn She made with her resplendent face. Moved by some waywardness of […]

Polyphemus poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

Twas a sick young man with a face ungay And an eye that was all alone; And he shook his head in a hopeless way As he sat on a roadside stone. “O, ailing youth, what untoward fate Has made the sun to set On your mirth and eye?” “I’m constrained to state […]

Politics poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

That land full surely hastens to its end Where public sycophants in homage bend The populace to flatter, and repeat The doubled echoes of its loud conceit. Lowly their attitude but high their aim, They creep to eminence through paths of shame, Till, fixed securely in the seats of pow’r, The dupes they […]

On The Wedding Of The Aeronaut poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

Aeronaut, you’re fairly caught, Despite your bubble’s leaven: Out of the skies a lady’s eyes Have brought you down to Heaven! No more, no more you’ll freely soar Above the grass and gravel: Henceforth you’ll walk-and she will chalk The line that you’re to travel! Ambrose BierceAmbrose Bierce, (born June 24, […]

Montefiore poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry

I SAW-‘t was in a dream, the other night- A man whose hair with age was thin and white; One hundred years had bettered by his birth, And still his step was firm, his eye was bright. Before him and about him pressed a crowd. Each head in reverence was bared and bowed, […]