I Have A Rendezvous With Death

A poem by Alan Seeger (1888-1916) I have a rendezvous with Death At some disputed barricade, When Spring comes back with rustling shade And apple-blossoms fill the air— I have a rendezvous with Death When Spring brings back blue days and fair. It may be he shall take my hand And lead me into […]

I Have A Rendezvous With Death

A poem by Alan Seeger (1888-1916) I have a rendezvous with Death At some disputed barricade, When Spring comes back with rustling shade And apple-blossoms fill the air— I have a rendezvous with Death When Spring brings back blue days and fair. It may be he shall take my hand And lead me into […]

From Death

I have never feared death Even though Its hands were more fragile Than banality. I dread, however, to die In a land where The grave digger’s wages Exceed the price of human freedom. Looking for, Discovering, Choosing freely, And transforming one’s essence Into a fortress. If the price of death is higher than all […]

I Dream I M The Death Of Orpheus

A poem by Adrienne Cecile Rich (1929 – 2012) I am walking rapidly through striations of light and dark thrown under an arcade. I am a woman in the prime of life, with certain powers and those powers severely limited by authorities whose faces I rarely see. I am a woman in the prime […]

On The Death Of Sir Henry Wootton

What shall we say, since silent now is he Who when he spoke, all things would silent be? Who had so many languages in store, That only fame shall speak of him in more; Whom England now no more return’d must see; He’s gone to heaven on his fourth embassy. On earth he travell’d […]

On The Death Of Mr William Hervey

IT was a dismal and a fearful night: Scarce could the Morn drive on th’ unwilling Light, When Sleep, Death’s image, left my troubled breast By something liker Death possest. My eyes with tears did uncommanded flow, And on my soul hung the dull weight Of some intolerable fate. What bell was that? Ah […]

On The Death Of Mr Crashaw

Poet and Saint! to thee alone are given The two most sacred names of earth and heaven, The hard and rarest union which can be Next that of godhead with humanity. Long did the Muses banish’d slaves abide, And built vain pyramids to mortal pride; Like Moses thou (though spells and charms withstand) Hast […]

Death Sir Henry Wootton

What shall we say, since silent now is he Who when he spoke, all things would silent be? Who had so many languages in store, That only fame shall speak of him in more; Whom England now no more return’d must see; He’s gone to heaven on his fourth embassy. On earth he travell’d […]

Death039s Claim

Death’s claim by Tanisha Avarsekar When life stops, but time goes on. When you go, but I have to move on. When the world’s successful in tearing us apart. When death comes to claim, what’s been given by the past. Flames in the graveyard burn through the dark… […]

In Memoriam

In Memoriam   You were not human. You were better. Your gaze is unforgettable. What’s left is sorrow. Pain. This all happened so suddenly It feels so numb. So hollow Of all the questions in the universe The only one that matters is Why    Poetry Monster Fledermauswww.poetry.monster

Mother’s Death 1981 by Michael S Wilson

She died of that disease so long ago, Taken from us too young it is a fact; She is in a better spot we all know, Escaped to an eternal golden tract. Disease cares not for family concern, Nor plays favorites with any loved one; Good memories nor tender times discern, To pick and choose […]

Death Divine by Nithin Purple

Since my psyche has languished and  unwilling rhythm; The cryptic confession that my brain do bear.you gaze in your suborn power, by your mate-less vision.To me your alarm is higher; your doubtless mild mission! When you lead my soul in higher and do i fade through those tress, With the murmuring leaves of guest less pleasure, deep dwelt of […]

An Elegy On The Death Of A Mad Dog by Oliver Goldsmith

An Elegy On The Death Of A Mad Dog by Oliver Goldsmith Good people all, of every sort, Give ear unto my song; And if you find it wondrous short, It cannot hold you long. In Islington there was a man Of whom the world might say, That still a godly race he ran— Whene’er […]

To Mrs. Leonard on The Death of Her Husband by Phillis Wheatley

GRIM Monarch! see depriv’d of vital breath, A young Physician in the dust of death! Dost thou go on incessant to destroy: The grief to double, and impair the joy? Enough thou never yet wast known to say, Tho’ millions die thy mandate to obey. Nor youth, nor science nor the charms of love, Nor […]

On The Death of Mr. Snider Murder’d By Richardson by Phillis Wheatley

In heavens eternal court it was decreed How the first martyr for the cause should bleed To clear the country of the hated brood He whet his courage for the common good Long hid before, a vile infernal here Prevents Achilles in his mid career Where’er this fury darts his Pois’nous breath All are endanger’d […]

To The Honourable T. H. Esq; On the Death Of His Daughter by Phillis Wheatley

WHILE deep you mourn beneath the cypress-shade The hand of Death, and your dear daughter laid In dust, whose absence gives your tears to flow, And racks your bosom with incessant woe, Let Recollection take a tender part, Assuage the raging tortures of your heart, Still the wild tempest of tumultuous grief, And pour the […]

To A Lady On The Death Of The Three Relations by Phillis Wheatley

WE trace the pow’r of Death from tomb to tomb, And his are all the ages yet to come. ‘Tis his to call the planets from on high, To blacken Phoebus, and dissolve the sky; His too, when all in his dark realms are hurl’d, From its firm base to shake the solid world; His […]

To A Lady On The Death Of Her Husband by Phillis Wheatley

GRIM monarch! see, depriv’d of vital breath, A young physician in the dust of death: Dost thou go on incessant to destroy, Our griefs to double, and lay waste our joy? Enough thou never yet wast known to say, Though millions die, the vassals of thy sway: Nor youth, nor science, not the ties of […]

Saint George the Dragon by Michael Nikoletseas

Saint George the Dragon by Michael Nikoletseas   We too stood At the crossroads chapel Of Saint George killing the dragon Dumb night our eyes Friend Mine to the north Yours to the south And the stone Oh stranger, tell the Spartans Leonidas fell alone In the tavernas men eat mushrooms in stealth Women at […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Heal Me Slowly by Hibah Shabkhez/title> /div> div itemprop=”genre” id=”content”> p>Heal me slowly, O death, heal me slowlybr /> Leave me the day’s dying lightbr /> Come for me gently in the nightbr /> Heal me slowly, O death, heal me slowlybr /> Leave me a little while my painbr […]

Sonnet Of Motherhood XLV poem – Zora Bernice May Cross poems | Poetry Monster

Sonnet Of Motherhood XLV poem – Zora Bernice May Cross poems | Poetry Monster Dearest, your mother feels (though dead) this birth— Laughs at the fire within your shining eyes— Your eyes, yet mine, wherein such glory lies Never before beheld upon the earth. She scents the fragrance of the lily-mirth Lilting this body that […]