Sonnet. Written Upon The Top Of Ben Nevis poem – John Keats poems

Read me a lesson, Muse, and speak it loud Upon the top of Nevis, blind in mist! I look into the chasms, and a shroud Vapourous doth hide them, — just so much I wist Mankind do know of hell; I look o’erhead, And there is sullen mist, — even so much Mankind […]

Sonnet. Written In Disgust Of Vulgar Superstition poem – John Keats poems

The church bells toll a melancholy round, Calling the people to some other prayers, Some other gloominess, more dreadful cares, More hearkening to the sermon’s horrid sound. Surely the mind of man is closely bound In some black spell; seeing that each one tears Himself from fireside joys, and Lydian airs, And converse […]

Sonnet. Written Before Re-Read King Lear poem – John Keats poems

O golden-tongued Romance with serene lute! Fair plumed Syren! Queen of far away! Leave melodizing on this wintry day, Shut up thine olden pages, and be mute: Adieu! for once again the fierce dispute, Betwixt damnation and impassion’d clay Must I burn through; once more humbly assay The bitter-sweet of this Shakespearian fruit. […]

Sonnet. Why Did I Laugh Tonight? poem – John Keats poems

Why did I laugh to-night?No voice will tell No God, no Demon of severe response, Deigns to reply from Heaven or from Hell Then to my human heart I turn at once: Heart!Thou and I are here sad and alone; I say, why did I laugh?O mortal pain! O Darkness!Darkness! ever must I […]

Sonnet: When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be poem – John Keats poems

When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has glean’d my teeming brain, Before high piled books, in charactry, Hold like rich garners the full-ripen’d grain; When I behold, upon the night’s starr’d face, Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, And think that I may never live […]

Sonnet VIII. To My Brothers poem – John Keats poems

Small, busy flames play through the fresh laid coals, And their faint cracklings o’er our silence creep Like whispers of the household gods that keep A gentle empire o’er fraternal souls. And while, for rhymes, I search around the poles, Your eyes are fix d, as in poetic sleep, Upon the lore so […]

Sonnet VII. To Solitude poem – John Keats poems

O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell, Let it not be among the jumbled heap Of murky buildings: climb with me the steep,- Nature’s observatory-whence the dell, In flowery slopes, its river’s crystal swell, May seem a span; let me thy vigils keep ‘Mongst boughs pavilioned, where the deer’s swift leap Startles […]

Sonnet VI. To G. A. W. poem – John Keats poems

Nymph of the downward smile and sidelong glance! In what diviner moments of the day Art thou most lovely? — when gone far astray Into the labyrinths of sweet utterance, Or when serenely wandering in a trance Of sober thought? — Or when starting away, With careless robe to meet the morning ray, […]

Sonnet V. To A Friend Who Sent Me Some Roses poem – John Keats poems

As late I rambled in the happy fields, What time the skylark shakes the tremulous dew From his lush clover covert;-when anew Adventurous knights take up their dinted shields; I saw the sweetest flower wild nature yields, A fresh-blown musk-rose; ’twas the first that threw Its sweets upon the summer: graceful it grew […]

Sonnet To The Nile poem – John Keats poems

Son of the old Moon-mountains African! Chief of the Pyramid and Crocodile! We call thee fruitful, and that very while A desert fills our seeing’s inward span: Nurse of swart nations since the world began, Art thou so fruitful? or dost thou beguile Such men to honour thee, who, worn with toil, Rest […]

Sonnet To Spenser poem – John Keats poems

Spenser! a jealous honourer of thine, A forester deep in thy midmost trees, Did last eve ask my promise to refine Some English that might strive thine ear to please. But Elfin Poet ’tis impossible For an inhabitant of wintry earth To rise like Phoebus with a golden quill Fire-wing’d and make a […]

Sonnet To Sleep poem – John Keats poems

O soft embalmer of the still midnight! Shutting, with careful fingers and benign, Our gloom-pleas’d eyes, embower’d from the light, Enshaded in forgetfulness divine; O soothest Sleep! if so it please thee, close, In midst of this thine hymn, my willing eyes. Or wait the Amen, ere thy poppy throws Around my bed […]

Sonnet To Mrs. Reynolds’s Cat poem – John Keats poems

Cat! who hast pass’d thy grand climacteric, How many mice and rats hast in thy days Destroy’d? How many tit bits stolen? Gaze With those bright languid segments green, and prick Those velvet ears — but pr’ythee do not stick Thy latent talons in me — and upraise Thy gentle mew — and […]

Sonnet To John Hamilton Reynolds poem – John Keats poems

O that a week could be an age, and we Felt parting and warm meeting every week, Then one poor year a thousand years would be, The flush of welcome ever on the cheek: So could we live long life in little space, So time itself would be annihilate, So a day’s journey […]

Sonnet To Homer poem – John Keats poems

Standing aloof in giant ignorance, Of thee I hear and of the Cyclades, As one who sits ashore and longs perchance To visit dolphin-coral in deep seas. So thou wast blind; — but then the veil was rent, For Jove uncurtain’d Heaven to let thee live, And Neptune made for thee a spumy […]

Sonnet To George Keats: Written In Sickness poem – John Keats poems

Brother belov’d if health shall smile again, Upon this wasted form and fever’d cheek: If e’er returning vigour bid these weak And languid limbs their gladsome strength regain, Well may thy brow the placid glow retain Of sweet content and thy pleas’d eye may speak The conscious self applause, but should I seek […]

Sonnet To Chatterton poem – John Keats poems

O Chatterton! how very sad thy fate! Dear child of sorrow — son of misery! How soon the film of death obscur’d that eye, Whence Genius mildly falsh’d, and high debate. How soon that voice, majestic and elate, Melted in dying numbers!Oh! how nigh Was night to thy fair morning.Thou didst die A […]

Sonnet To Byron poem – John Keats poems

Byron! how sweetly sad thy melody! Attuning still the soul to tenderness, As if soft Pity, with unusual stress, Had touch’d her plaintive lute, and thou, being by, Hadst caught the tones, nor suffer’d them to die. O’ershadowing sorrow doth not make thee less Delightful: thou thy griefs dost dress With a bright […]

Sonnet. The Human Seasons poem – John Keats poems

Four Seasons fill the measure of the year; There are four seasons in the mind of man: He has his lusty Spring, when fancy clear Takes in all beauty with an easy span: He has his Summer, when luxuriously Spring’s honied cud of youthful thought he loves To ruminate, and by such dreaming […]

Sonnet. The Day Is Gone poem – John Keats poems

The day is gone, and all its sweets are gone! Sweet voice, sweet lips, soft hand, and softer breast, Warm breath, light whisper, tender semitone, Bright eyes, accomplished shape, and lang’rous waist! Faded the flower and all its budded charms, Faded the sight of beauty from my eyes, Faded the shape of beauty […]

Sonnet. On The Sea poem – John Keats poems

It keeps eternal whisperings around Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell Gluts twice ten thousand caverns, till the spell Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound. Often ’tis in such gentle temper found That scarcely will the very smallest shell Be mov’d for days from whence it sometime fell, When last […]

Sonnet On Sitting Down To Read King Lear Once Again poem – John Keats poems

O GOLDEN tongued Romance, with serene lute! Fair plumed Syren, Queen of far-away! Leave melodizing on this wintry day, Shut up thine olden pages, and be mute: Adieu! for, once again, the fierce dispute Betwixt damnation and impassion ‘d clay Must I burn through; once more humbly assay The bitter-sweet of this Shakespearian […]

Sonnet. On Peace poem – John Keats poems

O PEACE! and dost thou with thy presence bless The dwellings of this war-surrounded Isle; Soothing with placid brow our late distress, Making the triple kingdom brightly smile? Joyful I hail thy presence; and I hail The sweet companions that await on thee; Complete my joy let not my first wish fail, Let […]

Sonnet. On A Picture Of Leander poem – John Keats poems

Come hither all sweet Maidens soberly Down looking aye, and with a chasten’d light Hid in the fringes of your eyelids white, And meekly let your fair hands joined be, As if so gentle that ye could not see, Untouch’d, a victim of your beauty bright, Sinking away to his young spirit’s night, […]

Sonnet IX. Keen, Fitful Gusts Are poem – John Keats poems

Keen, fitful gusts are whisp’ring here and there Among the bushes half leafless, and dry; The stars look very cold about the sky, And I have many miles on foot to fare. Yet feel I little of the cool bleak air, Or of the dead leaves rustling drearily, Or of those silver lamps […]

Sonnet II. To ****** poem – John Keats poems

Had I a man’s fair form, then might my sighs Be echoed swiftly through that ivory shell Thine ear, and find thy gentle heart; so well Would passion arm me for the enterprize: But ah! I am no knight whose foeman dies; No cuirass glistens on my bosom’s swell; I am no happy […]

Sonnet I. To My Brother George poem – John Keats poems

Many the wonders I this day have seen: The sun, when first he kissed away the tears That filled the eyes of Morn;-the laurelled peers Who from the feathery gold of evening lean;- The ocean with its vastness, its blue green, Its ships, its rocks, its caves, its hopes, its fears, Its voice […]

Sonnet: Before He Went poem – John Keats poems

BEFORE he went to feed with owls and bats Nebuchadnezzar had an ugly dream, Worse than an Hus’if’s when she thinks her cream Made a Naumachia for mice and rats. So scared, he sent for that “Good King of Cats” Young Daniel, who soon did pluck away the beam From out his eye, […]

Sonnet: As From The Darkening Gloom A Silver Dove poem – John Keats poems

As from the darkening gloom a silver dove Upsoars, and darts into the eastern light, On pinions that nought moves but pure delight, So fled thy soul into the realms above, Regions of peace and everlasting love; Where happy spirits, crown’d with circlets bright Of starry beam, and gloriously bedight, Taste the high […]