Fuck Israel

Fuck Israel, fuck filthy Zionist swine. A threat to humankind’s well-being The scum defiled the ancient Palestine And stole the land from normal human beings Fuck Zionist swine who murder, rape, and loot Pretending that they have some right divine The only right they’ve got is to get the boot Up saggy Zionist ass, sniff […]
Young Love poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Come little Infant, Love me now, While thine unsuspected years Clear thine aged Fathers brow From cold Jealousie and Fears. Pretty surely ’twere to see By young Love old Time beguil’d: While our Sportings are as free As the Nurses with the Child. Common Beauties stay fifteen; Such as yours should swifter move; […]
Upon The Hill And Grove At Bill-borow poem – Andrew Marvell poems
To the Lord Fairfax. See how the arched Earth does here Rise in a perfect Hemisphere! The stiffest Compass could not strike A line more circular and like; Nor softest Pensel draw a Brow. So equal as this Hill does bow. It seems as for a Model laid, And that the World by it […]
Upon An Eunuch; A Poet. Fragment poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Nec sterilem te crede; Licet, mulieribus exul, Falcem virginiae nequeas immitere messi, Et nostro peccare modo. Tibi Fama perenne Praegnabit; rapiesque novem de monse Sorores; Et pariet modulos Echo repetita Nepotes. *** Poems by Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell Andrew MarvellAndrew Marvell (1621-1678) was […]
Upon Appleton House, to My Lord Fairfax poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Within this sober Frame expect Work of no Forrain Architect; That unto Caves the Quarries drew, And Forrests did to Pastures hew; Who of his great Design in pain Did for a Model vault his Brain, Whose Columnes should so high be rais’d To arch the Brows that on them gaz’d. Why should of […]
Translated poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Facundis dedit ille notis, interprete plumas Insinuare sonos oculis, & pingere voces, Et mentem chartis, oculis impertiit aurem. *** Poems by Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell Andrew MarvellAndrew Marvell (1621-1678) was a renowned English poet and politician who lived during the 17th century. He […]
Tom May’s Death poem – Andrew Marvell poems
As one put drunk into the Packet-boat, Tom May was hurry’d hence and did not know’t. But was amaz’d on the Elysian side, And with an Eye uncertain, gazing wide, Could not determine in what place he was, For whence in Stevens ally Trees or Grass. Nor where the Popes head, nor the Mitre […]
To Songs At the Marriage Of The Lord Fauconberg And The Lady Mary Cromwell poem – Andrew Marvell poems
song Fauc1 First. [Chorus. Endymion. Luna.] Chorus. Th’ Astrologers own Eyes are set, And even Wolves the Sheep forget; Only this Shepherd, late and soon, Upon this Hill outwakes the Moon. Heark how he sings, with sad delight, Thorough the clear and silent Night. Endymion Cynthia, O Cynthia, turn thine Ear, […]
To His Worthy Friend Doctor Witty Upon His Translation Of The Popular Errors poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Sit further, and make room for thine own fame, Where just desert enrolles thy honour’d Name The good Interpreter. Some in this task Take of the Cypress vail, but leave a mask, Changing the Latine, but do more obscure That sence in English which was bright and pure. So of Translators they are Authors […]
Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day. Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide Of Humber would complain. I would Love you ten years before the Flood, […]
To His Noble Friend, Mr. Richard Lovelace, Upon His Poems poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Sir, Our times are much degenerate from those Which your sweet muse with your fair fortune chose, And as complexions alter with the climes, Our wits have drawn the infection of our times. That candid age no other way could tell To be ingenious, but by speaking well. Who best could praise had then […]
To Christina, Queen of Sweden poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Verses to accompany a portrait of Cromwell Bright Martial Maid, Queen of the frozen zone, The northern pole supports thy shining throne. Behold what furrows age and steel can plough; The helmet’s weight oppressed this wrinkled brow. Through fate’s untrodden paths I move; my hands Still act my free-born people’s bold commands; Yet this […]
Thoughts in a Garden poem – Andrew Marvell poems
HOW vainly men themselves amaze To win the palm, the oak, or bays, And their uncessant labours see Crown’d from some single herb or tree, Whose short and narrow-verged shade Does prudently their toils upbraid; While all the flowers and trees do close To weave the garlands of repose! Fair Quiet, have I found […]
The Unfortunate Lover poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Alas, how pleasant are their dayes With whom the Infant Love yet playes! Sorted by pairs, they still are seen By Fountains cool, and Shadows green. But soon these Flames do lose their light, Like Meteors of a Summers night: Nor can they to that Region climb, To make impression upon Time. ‘Twas in […]
The Picture Of Little T.C. In A Prospect Of Flowers poem – Andrew Marvell poems
See with what simplicity This Nimph begins her golden daies! In the green Grass she loves to lie, And there with her fair Aspect tames The Wilder flow’rs, and gives them names: But only with the Roses playes; And them does tell What Colour best becomes them, and what Smell. Who can foretel for […]
The Mower’s Song poem – Andrew Marvell poems
My Mind was once the true survey Of all these Medows fresh and gay; And in the greenness of the Grass Did see its Hopes as in a Glass; When Juliana came, and she What I do to the Grass, does to my Thoughts and Me. But these, while I with Sorrow pine, Grew […]
The Nymph Complaining For The Death Of Her Faun poem – Andrew Marvell poems
The wanton Troopers riding by Have shot my Faun and it will dye. Ungentle men! They cannot thrive To kill thee. Thou neer didst alive Them any harm: alas nor cou’d Thy death yet do them any good. I’me sure I never wisht them ill; Nor do I for all this; nor will: But, […]
The Mower To The Glo-Worms poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Ye living Lamps, by whose dear light The Nightingale does sit so late, And studying all the Summer-night, Her matchless Songs does meditate; Ye Country Comets, that portend No War, nor Princes funeral, Shining unto no higher end Then to presage the Grasses fall; Ye Glo-worms, whose officious Flame To wandring Mowers shows […]
The Match poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Nature had long a Treasure made Of all her choisest store; Fearing, when She should be decay’d, To beg in vain for more. Her Orientest Colours there, And Essences most pure, With sweetest Perfumes hoarded were, All as she thought secure. She seldom them unlock’d, or us’d, But with the nicest care; For, […]
The Mower Against Gardens poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Luxurious Man, to bring his Vice in use, Did after him the World seduce: And from the Fields the Flow’rs and Plants allure, Where Nature was most plain and pure. He first enclos’d within the Gardens square A dead and standing pool of Air: And a more luscious Earth for them did knead, Which […]
The Garden poem – Andrew Marvell poems
How vainly men themselves amaze To win the Palm, the Oke, or Bayes; And their uncessant Labours see Crown’d from some single Herb or Tree, Whose short and narrow verged Shade Does prudently their Toyles upbraid; While all Flow’rs and all Trees do close To weave the Garlands of repose. Fair quiet, have I […]
The Gallery poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Clora come view my Soul, and tell Whether I have contriv’d it well. Now all its several lodgings lye Compos’d into one Gallery; And the great Arras-hangings, made Of various Faces, by are laid; That, for all furniture, you’l find Only your Picture in my Mind. Here Thou art painted in the Dress Of […]
The First Anniversary Of The Government Under O.C. poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Like the vain Curlings of the Watry maze, Which in smooth streams a sinking Weight does raise; So Man, declining alwayes, disappears. In the Weak Circles of increasing Years; And his short Tumults of themselves Compose, While flowing Time above his Head does close. Cromwell alone with greater Vigour runs, (Sun-like) the Stages of […]
The Fair Singer poem – Andrew Marvell poems
To make a final conquest of all me, Love did compose so sweet an Enemy, In whom both Beauties to my death agree, Joyning themselves in fatal Harmony; That while she with her Eyes my Heart does bind, She with her Voice might captivate my Mind. I could have fled from One but singly […]
The Death of Cromwell poem – Andrew Marvell poems
A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness the Lord Protector That Providence which had so long the care Of Cromwell’s head, and numbered every hair, Now in itself (the glass where all appears) Had seen the period of his golden years: And thenceforh only did attend to trace What death might least […]
The Coronet poem – Andrew Marvell poems
When for the Thorns with which I long, too long, With many a piercing wound, My Saviours head have crown’d, I seek with Garlands to redress that Wrong: Through every Garden, every Mead, I gather flow’rs (my fruits are only flow’rs) Dismantling all the fragrant Towers That once adorn’d my Shepherdesses head. And now […]
The Character Of Holland poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Holland, that scarce deserves the name of Land, As but th’Off-scouring of the Brittish Sand; And so much Earth as was contributed By English Pilots when they heav’d the Lead; Or what by th’ Oceans slow alluvion fell, Of shipwrackt Cockle and the Muscle-shell; This indigested vomit of the Sea Fell to the Dutch […]
Senec. Traged. Ex Thyeste Chor.2 poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Translated. Senec. Traged. ex Thyeste Chor.2. Stet quicunque volet potens Aulae culmine lubrico &c. Climb at Court for me that will Tottering favors Pinacle; All I seek is to lye still. Settled in some secret Nest In calm Leisure let me rest; And far of the publick Stage Pass away my silent Age. […]
Ros poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Cernis ut Eio descendat Gemmula Roris, Inque Rosas roseo transfluat orta sinu. Sollicita Flores stant ambitione supini, Et certant foliis pellicuisse suis. Illa tamen patriae lustrans fastigia Sphaerae, Negligit hospitii limina picta novi. Inque sui nitido conclusa voluminis orbe, Exprimit aetherei qua licet Orbis aquas. En ut odoratum spernat generosior Ostrum, Vixque premat casto […]
On The Victory Obtained By Blake Over the Spaniards, In The Bay Of Scanctacruze, In The Island Of teneriff.1657 poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Now does Spains Fleet her spatious wings unfold, Leaves the new World and hastens for the old: But though the wind was fair, the slowly swoome Frayted with acted Guilt, and Guilt to come: For this rich load, of which so proud they are, Was rais’d by Tyranny, and rais’d for war; Every capatious […]
On Mr. Milton’s Paradise Lost poem – Andrew Marvell poems
When I beheld the Poet blind, yet bold, In slender Book his vast Design unfold, Messiah Crown’d, Gods Reconcil’d Decree, Rebelling Angels, the Forbidden Tree, Heav’n, Hell, Earth, Chaos, All; the Argument Held me a while misdoubting his Intent, That he would ruine (for I saw him strong) The sacred Truths to Fable and […]
On A Drop Of Dew poem – Andrew Marvell poems
See how the Orient Dew, Shed from the Bosom of the Morn Into the blowing Roses, Yet careless of its Mansion new; For the clear Region where ’twas born Round in its self incloses: And in its little Globes Extent, Frames as it can its native Element. How it the purple flow’r does slight, […]
Music’s Empire poem – Andrew Marvell poems
First was the world as one great cymbal made, Where jarring winds to infant Nature played. All music was a solitary sound, To hollow rocks and murm’ring fountains bound. Jubal first made the wilder notes agree; And Jubal tuned music’s Jubilee; He call’d the echoes from their sullen cell, And built the organ’s city […]
Mourning poem – Andrew Marvell poems
You, that decipher out the Fate Of humane Off-springs from the Skies, What mean these Infants which of late Spring from the Starrs of Chlora’s Eyes? Her Eyes confus’d, and doubled ore, With Tears suspended ere they flow; Seem bending upwards, to restore To Heaven, whence it came, their Woe. When, molding of […]
Last Instructions to a Painter poem – Andrew Marvell poems
After two sittings, now our Lady State To end her picture does the third time wait. But ere thou fall’st to work, first, Painter, see If’t ben’t too slight grown or too hard for thee. Canst thou paint without colors? Then ’tis right: For so we too without a fleet can fight. Or canst […]
In Effigiem Oliveri Cromwell poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Haec est quae toties Inimicos Umbra fugavit, At sub qua Cives Otia lenta terunt. In eandem Reginae Sueciae transmissam Bellipotens Virgo, septem Regina Trionum. Christina, Arctoi lucida stella Poli; Cernis quas merui dura sub Casside Rugas; Sicque Senex Armis impiger Ora fero; Invia Fatorum dum per Vestigia nitor, Exequor & Populi fortia Jussa Manu. […]
Hortus poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Quisnam adeo, mortale genus, praecordia versat: Heu Palmae, Laurique furor, vel simplicis Herbae! Arbor ut indomitos ornet vix una labores; Tempora nec foliis praecingat tota maglignis. Dum simud implexi, tranquillae ad ferta Quiaetis, Omnigeni coeunt Flores, integraque Sylva. Alma Quies, teneo te! & te Germana Quietis Simplicitas! Vos ergo diu per Templa, per urbes, […]
Fleckno, an English Priest at Rome poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Oblig’d by frequent visits of this man, Whom as Priest, Poet, and Musician, I for some branch of Melchizedeck took, (Though he derives himself from my Lord Brooke) I sought his Lodging; which is at the Sign Of the sad Pelican; Subject divine For Poetry: There three Stair Cases high, Which signifies his triple […]
First Anniversary poem – Andrew Marvell poems
Like the vain curlings of the watery maze, Which in smooth streams a sinking weight does raise, So Man, declining always, disappears In the weak circles of increasing years; And his short tumults of themselves compose, While flowing Time above his head does close. Cromwell alone with greater vigour runs, (Sun-like) the stages of […]
Eyes And Tears poem – Andrew Marvell poems
How wisely Nature did decree, With the same Eyes to weep and see! That, having view’d the object vain, They might be ready to complain. And since the Self-deluding Sight, In a false Angle takes each hight; These Tears which better measure all, Like wat’ry Lines and Plummets fall. Two Tears, which Sorrow […]