The Village Garden poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

To E.M.S. Here, where your garden fenced about and still is, Here, where the unmoved summer air is sweet With mixed delight of lavender and lilies, Dreaming I linger in the noontide heat. Of many summers are the trees recorders, The turf a carpet many summers wove; Old-fashioned blossoms cluster in the […]

The Two Terrors poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Two terrors fright my soul by night and day: The first is Life, and with her come the years; A weary, winding train of maidens they, With forward-fronting eyes, too sad for tears; Upon whose kindred faces, blank and grey, The shadow of a kindred woe appears. Death is the second terror; who shall […]

The Sequel to a Reminiscence poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Not in the street and not in the square, The street and square where you went and came; With shuttered casement your house stands bare, Men hush their voice when they speak your name. I, too, can play at the vain pretence, Can feign you dead; while a voice sounds clear In the […]

The Promise of Sleep poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Put the sweet thoughts from out thy mind, The dreams from out thy breast; No joy for thee–but thou shalt find Thy rest All day I could not work for woe, I could not work nor rest; The trouble drove me to and fro, Like a leaf on the storm’s breast. Night […]

The Piano-Organ poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

My student-lamp is lighted, The books and papers are spread; A sound comes floating upwards, Chasing the thoughts from my head. I open the garret window, Let the music in and the moon; See the woman grin for coppers, While the man grinds out the tune. Grind me a dirge or a […]

The Old Poet poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

I will be glad because it is the Spring; I will forget the winter in my heart– Dead hopes and withered promise; and will wring A little joy from life ere life depart. For spendthrift youth with passion-blinded eyes, Stays not to see how woods and fields are bright; He hears the phantom […]

The Old House poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

In through the porch and up the silent stair; Little is changed, I know so well the ways;– Here, the dead came to meet me; it was there The dream was dreamed in unforgotten days. But who is this that hurries on before, A flitting shade the brooding shades among?– She turned,–I saw […]

The Lost Friend poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

The people take the thing of course, They marvel not to see This strange, unnatural divorce Betwixt delight and me. I know the face of sorrow, and I know Her voice with all its varied cadences; Which way she turns and treads; how at her ease Things fit her dreary largess to bestow. […]

The Last Judgment poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

With beating heart and lagging feet, Lord, I approach the Judgment-seat. All bring hither the fruits of toil, Measures of wheat and measures of oil; Gold and jewels and precious wine; No hands bare like these hands of mine. The treasure I have nor weighs nor gleams: Lord, I can bring you only […]

The First Extra poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

A Waltz Song. O sway, and swing, and sway, And swing, and sway, and swing! Ah me, what bliss like unto this, Can days and daylight bring? A rose beneath your feet Has fallen from my head; Its odour rises sweet, All crushed it lies, and dead. O Love is like […]

The End of the Day poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

To B. T. Dead-tired, dog-tired, as the vivid day Fails and slackens and fades away.– The sky that was so blue before With sudden clouds is shrouded o’er. Swiftly, stilly the mists uprise, Till blurred and grey the landscape lies. * * * * * * * All day we have […]

The Dream poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Believe me, this was true last night, Tho’ it is false to-day. — A.M.F. Robinson. A fair dream to my chamber flew: Such a crowd of folk that stirred, Jested, fluttered; only you, You alone of all that band, Calm and silent, spake no word. Only once you neared my place, And your […]

The Birch-Tree at Loschwitz poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

At Loschwitz above the city The air is sunny and chill; The birch-trees and the pine-trees Grow thick upon the hill. Lone and tall, with silver stem, A birch-tree stands apart; The passionate wind of spring-time Stirs in its leafy heart. I lean against the birch-tree, My arms around it twine; It […]

Straw in the Street poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Straw in the street where I pass to-day Dulls the sound of the wheels and feet. ‘Tis for a failing life they lay Straw in the street. Here, where the pulses of London beat, Someone strives with the Presence grey; Ah, is it victory or defeat? The hurrying people go their way, […]

Sonnet poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Most wonderful and strange it seems, that I Who but a little time ago was tost High on the waves of passion and of pain, With aching heat and wildly throbbing brain, Who peered into the darkness, deeming vain All things there found if but One thing were lost, Thus calm and still and […]

Sinfonia Eroica poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

(To Sylvia.) My Love, my Love, it was a day in June, A mellow, drowsy, golden afternoon; And all the eager people thronging came To that great hall, drawn by the magic name Of one, a high magician, who can raise The spirits of the past and future days, And draw the dreams […]

Run to Death poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

A True Incident of Pre-Revolutionary French History. Now the lovely autumn morning breathes its freshness in earth’s face, In the crowned castle courtyard the blithe horn proclaims the chase; And the ladies on the terrace smile adieux with rosy lips To the huntsmen disappearing down the cedar-shaded groves, Wafting delicate aromas from their […]

Ralph to Mary poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Love, you have led me to the strand, Here, where the stilly, sunset sea, Ever receding silently, Lays bare a shining stretch of sand; Which, as we tread, in waving line, Sinks softly ‘neath our moving feet; And looking down our glances meet, Two mirrored figures–yours and mine. To-night you found me […]

Philosophy poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Ere all the world had grown so drear, When I was young and you were here, ‘Mid summer roses in summer weather, What pleasant times we’ve had together! We were not Phyllis, simple-sweet, And Corydon; we did not meet By brook or meadow, but among A Philistine and flippant throng Which much […]

Out of Town poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Out of town the sky was bright and blue, Never fog-cloud, lowering, thick, was seen to frown; Nature dons a garb of gayer hue, Out of town. Spotless lay the snow on field and down, Pure and keen the air above it blew; All wore peace and beauty for a crown. London […]

On the Wye in May poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Now is the perfect moment of the year. Half naked branches, half a mist of green, Vivid and delicate the slopes appear; The cool, soft air is neither fierce nor keen, And in the temperate sun we feel no fear; Of all the hours which shall be and have been, It is the […]

On the Threshold poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

O God, my dream! I dreamed that you were dead; Your mother hung above the couch and wept Whereon you lay all white, and garlanded With blooms of waxen whiteness. I had crept Up to your chamber-door, which stood ajar, And in the doorway watched you from afar, Nor dared advance to kiss your […]

Oh, Is It Love? poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

O is it Love or is it Fame, This thing for which I sigh? Or has it then no earthly name For men to call it by? I know not what can ease my pains, Nor what it is I wish; The passion at my heart-strings strains Like a tiger in a leash. […]

New Love, New Life poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

I. She, who so long has lain Stone-stiff with folded wings, Within my heart again The brown bird wakes and sings. Brown nightingale, whose strain Is heard by day, by night, She sings of joy and pain, Of sorrow and delight. II. ‘Tis true,–in other days Have I unbarred the […]

Magdalen poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

All things I can endure, save one. The bare, blank room where is no sun; The parcelled hours; the pallet hard; The dreary faces here within; The outer women’s cold regard; The Pastor’s iterated “sin”;– These things could I endure, and count No overstrain’d, unjust amount; No undue payment for such bliss– Yea, all […]

London Poets poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

(In Memoriam.) They trod the streets and squares where now I tread, With weary hearts, a little while ago; When, thin and grey, the melancholy snow Clung to the leafless branches overhead; Or when the smoke-veiled sky grew stormy-red In autumn; with a re-arisen woe Wrestled, what time the passionate spring winds blow; […]

London in July poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

What ails my senses thus to cheat? What is it ails the place, That all the people in the street Should wear one woman’s face? The London trees are dusty-brown Beneath the summer sky; My love, she dwells in London town, Nor leaves it in July. O various and intricate maze, Wide […]

Lohengrin poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Back to the mystic shore beyond the main The mystic craft has sped, and left no trace. Ah, nevermore may she behold his face, Nor touch his hand, nor hear his voice again! With hidden front she crouches; all in vain The proffered balm. A vessel nears the place; They bring her young, lost […]

Last Words poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Dead! all’s done with! — R. Browning. These blossoms that I bring, This song that here I sing, These tears that now I shed, I give unto the dead. There is no more to be done, Nothing beneath the sun, All the long ages through, Nothing–by me for you. The tale […]

June poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Last June I saw your face three times; Three times I touched your hand; Now, as before, May month is o’er, And June is in the land. O many Junes shall come and go, Flow’r-footed o’er the mead; O many Junes for me, to whom Is length of days decreed. There shall […]

In the Nower poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

  To J. De P.   Deep in the grass outstretched I lie, Motionless on the hill; Above me is a cloudless sky, Around me all is still:   There is no breath, no sound, no stir, The drowsy peace to break: I close my tired eyes–it were So simple not to wake.   Amy […]

In the Night poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Cruel? I think there never was a cheating More cruel, thro’ all the weary days than this! This is no dream, my heart kept on repeating, But sober certainty of waking bliss. Dreams? O, I know their faces — goodly seeming, Vaporous, whirled on many-coloured wings; I have had dreams before, this is […]

In the Mile End Road poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

How like her! But ’tis she herself, Comes up the crowded street, How little did I think, the morn, My only love to meet! Whose else that motion and that mien? Whose else that airy tread? For one strange moment I forgot My only love was dead. Amy LevyAmy Levy […]

In the Black Forest poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

I lay beneath the pine trees, And looked aloft, where, through The dusky, clustered tree-tops, Gleamed rent, gay rifts of blue. I shut my eyes, and a fancy Fluttered my sense around: “I lie here dead and buried, And this is churchyard ground. “I am at rest for ever; Ended the stress […]

In September poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

The sky is silver-grey; the long Slow waves caress the shore.– On such a day as this I have been glad, Who shall be glad no more. Amy LevyAmy Levy (1861 – 1889) was a Victorian era poetess and prose author who wrote in English in the second half of the […]

In a Minor Key poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

(AN ECHO FROM A LARGER LYRE.) That was love that I had before Years ago, when my heart was young; Ev’ry smile was a gem you wore; Ev’ry word was a sweet song sung. You came–all my pulses burn’d and beat. (O sweet wild throbs of an early day!) You went–with the […]

Impotens poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

If I were a woman of old, What prayers I would pray for you, dear; My pitiful tribute behold– Not a prayer, but a tear. The pitiless order of things, Whose laws we may change not nor break, Alone I could face it–it wrings My heart for your sake. Amy […]

Felo de Se poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

With Apologies to Mr. Swinburne. For repose I have sighed and have struggled ; have sigh’d and have struggled in vain; I am held in the Circle of Being and caught in the Circle of Pain. I was wan and weary with life ; my sick soul yearned for death; I was weary […]

Contradictions poem – Amy Levy poems | Poems and Poetry

Now, even, I cannot think it true, My friend, that there is no more you. Almost as soon were no more I, Which were, of course, absurdity! Your place is bare, you are not seen, Your grave, I’m told, is growing green; And both for you and me, you know, There’s no Above and […]