Lovesong by Ted Hughes

Lovesong by Ted Hughes He loved her and she loved him His kisses sucked out her whole past and future or tried to He had no other appetite She bit him she gnawed him she sucked She wanted him complete inside her Safe and Sure forever and ever Their little cries fluttered into the curtains […]

Ballade: In favour of those called Decadents and Symbolists, Translation of Paul Verlaine’s Ballade: En faveur des dénommés Déca by T Wignesan

Ballade: In favour of those called Decadents and Symbolists, Translation of Paul Verlaine’s Ballade: En faveur des dénommés Déca by T Wignesan Ballade : In favour of those called Decadents and Symbolists, Translation of Paul Verlaine’s Ballade en faveur des dénommés Décadents et Symbolistes for Léon Vanier* (The texts I use for my translations are […]

Journey Of The Magi by T. S. Eliot

‘A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a journey: The ways deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter.’ And the camels galled, sore-footed, refractory, Lying down in the melting snow. There were times we regretted The summer palaces on slopes, […]

A Poet by Thomas Hardy

Attentive eyes, fantastic heed, Assessing minds, he does not need, Nor urgent writs to sup or dine, Nor pledges in the roseate wine. For loud acclaim he does not care By the august or rich or fair, Nor for smart pilgrims from afar, Curious on where his hauntings are. But soon or later, when you […]

The Battle of the Baltic by Thomas Campbell

The Battle of the Baltic by Thomas Campbell Of Nelson and the North Sing the glorious day’s renown, When to battle fierce came forth All the might of Denmark’s crown, And her arms along the deep proudly shone; By each gun the lighted brand In a bold determined hand, And the Prince of all the […]

Gertrude of Wyoming by Thomas Campbell

Gertrude of Wyoming by Thomas Campbell PART I On Susquehanna’s side, fair Wyoming! Although the wild-flower on thy ruin’d wall, And roofless homes, a sad remembrance bring, Of what thy gentle people did befall; Yet thou wert once the loveliest land of all That see the Atlantic wave their morn restore. Sweet land! may I […]

Narva and Mored by Thomas Chatterton

Narva and Mored by Thomas Chatterton Recite the loves of Narva and Mored The priest of Chalma’s triple idol said. High from the ground the youthful warriors sprung, Loud on the concave shell the lances rung: In all the mystic mazes of the dance, The youths of Banny’s burning sands advance, Whilst the soft virgin […]

February by Thomas Chatterton

February by Thomas Chatterton Begin, my muse, the imitative lay, Aonian doxies sound the thrumming string; Attempt no number of the plaintive Gay, Let me like midnight cats, or Collins sing. If in the trammels of the doleful line The bounding hail, or drilling rain descend; Come, brooding Melancholy, pow’r divine, And ev’ry unform’d mass […]

Faithless Nelly Gray by Thomas Hood

Faithless Nelly Gray by Thomas Hood A Pathetic Ballad Ben Battle was a soldier bold, And used to war’s alarms; But a cannon-ball took off his legs, So he laid down his arms. Now as they bore him off the field, Said he, ‘Let others shoot; For here I leave my second leg, And the […]

A Lake And A Fairy Boat by Thomas Hood

A Lake And A Fairy Boat by Thomas Hood A lake and a fairy boat To sail in the moonlight clear, – And merrily we would float From the dragons that watch us here! Thy gown should be snow-white silk And strings of oriental pearls, Like gossamers dipped in milk, Should twine with thy raven […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>xai-kou by kapardeli eftichia/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>xai-kou /h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by kapardeli eftichia/h2> div id=”content”> p>**br /> In the Power of Hopebr /> Exits stealth life **/p> p> **br /> Vision of the worldbr /> Become a citizen of Heaven **/p> p> ** Two hands twinedbr /> much […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Gesture Theory: A Villanelle by Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé /title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>Gesture Theory: A Villanelle/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé /h2> div id=”content”> p> The script of leaving the wine to chillbr /> The script of adding rosemarybr /> The script of simmering baby turnips/p> p>The script […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>in the gazebo by Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>in the gazebo/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak/h2> div id=”content”> p> (for my Mother Danuta in Heaven) /p> p> a warm September day,br /> the thirteenth,br /> your birthday, Mombr /> smell of coffee on the terracebr /> […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Attack On The Ad-Man by A. S. J. Tessimond/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>Attack On The Ad-Man/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by A. S. J. Tessimond/h2> div id=”content”> p>This trumpeter of nothingness, employedbr /> To keep our reason dull and null and /> This man of wind and froth and flux […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>The Poet-Angels Who Came to Dinner by Aberjhani/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>The Poet-Angels Who Came to Dinner/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 itemprop=”author” class=”author”>by Aberjhani/h2> div itemprop=”genre” id=”content”> p> /> Neither had been invited but both were /> They spoke through wordless intuition, cool nods ofbr /> “Peace-Be-Still,” and, “As-Goes-Love-So-Goes-Life.”/p> p>Their […]

Come, Send Round the Wine by Thomas Moore

Come, send round the wine, and leave points of belief To simpleton sages and reasoning fools; This moment’s a flower too fair and brief To be wither’d and stain’d by the dust of the schools. Your glass may be purple, and mine may be blue, But, while they are fill’d from the same bright bowl, […]

Black song about a black woman and red wine by Vinko Kalinić

In the black pub at the black table the black woman is sitting In the black glass red wine’s flashing in the applause humming people coming and leaving From the black piano black sounds are spreading Black thoughts under the black table protruding and creeping black people emptying and licking black glasses Only the black […]

Aeneid by Virgil

ARMS, and the man I sing, who, forc’d by fate, And haughty Juno’s unrelenting hate, Expell’d and exil’d, left the Trojan shore. Long labors, both by sea and land, he bore, And in the doubtful war, before he won The Latian realm, and built the destin’d town; His banish’d gods restor’d to rites divine, And […]

Eclogue VIII by Virgil

TO POLLIO, DAMON, ALPHESIBOEUS Of Damon and Alphesiboeus now, Those shepherd-singers at whose rival strains The heifer wondering forgot to graze, The lynx stood awe-struck, and the flowing streams, Unwonted loiterers, stayed their course to hear- How Damon and Alphesiboeus sang Their pastoral ditties, will I tell the tale. Thou, whether broad Timavus’ rocky banks […]

Eclogue VI by Virgil

TO VARUS First my Thalia stooped in sportive mood To Syracusan strains, nor blushed within The woods to house her. When I sought to tell Of battles and of kings, the Cynthian god Plucked at mine ear and warned me: “Tityrus, Beseems a shepherd-wight to feed fat sheep, But sing a slender song.” Now, Varus, […]

Eclogue IV by Virgil

POLLIO Muses of Sicily, essay we now A somewhat loftier task! Not all men love Coppice or lowly tamarisk: sing we woods, Woods worthy of a Consul let them be. Now the last age by Cumae’s Sibyl sung Has come and gone, and the majestic roll Of circling centuries begins anew: Justice returns, returns old […]

Eclogue III by Virgil

MENALCAS, DAMOETAS, PALAEMON Menalcas. Who owns the flock, Damoetas? Meliboeus? Damoetas. Nay, they are Aegon’s sheep, of late by him Committed to my care. Menalcas. O every way Unhappy sheep, unhappy flock! while he Still courts Neaera, fearing lest her choice Should fall on me, this hireling shepherd here Wrings hourly twice their udders, from […]

Eclogue V by Virgil

MENALCAS, MOPSUS Menalcas. Why, Mopsus, being both together met, You skilled to breathe upon the slender reeds, I to sing ditties, do we not sit down Here where the elm-trees and the hazels blend? Mopsus. You are the elder, ’tis for me to bide Your choice, Menalcas, whether now we seek Yon shade that quivers […]

Ecologue I by Virgil

MELIBOEUS, TITYRUS Meliboeus. You, Tityrus, ‘neath a broad beech-canopy Reclining, on the slender oat rehearse Your silvan ditties: I from my sweet fields, And home’s familiar bounds, even now depart. Exiled from home am I; while, Tityrus, you Sit careless in the shade, and, at your call, “Fair Amaryllis” bid the woods resound. Tityrus. O […]

Eclogue X by Virgil

GALLUS This now, the very latest of my toils, Vouchsafe me, Arethusa! needs must I Sing a brief song to Gallus- brief, but yet Such as Lycoris’ self may fitly read. Who would not sing for Gallus? So, when thou Beneath Sicanian billows glidest on, May Doris blend no bitter wave with thine, Begin! The […]

You by Vladimir Mayakovsky

You by Vladimir Mayakovsky You came – determined, because I was large, because I was roaring, but on close inspection you saw a mere boy. You seized and snatched away my heart and began to play with it – like a girl with a bouncing ball. And before this miracle every woman was either a […]

To All and Everything by Vladimir Mayakovsky

To All and Everything by Vladimir Mayakovsky No. It can’t be. No! You too, beloved? Why? What for? Darling, look – I came, I brought flowers, but, but… I never took silver spoons from your drawer! Ashen-faced, I staggered down five flights of stairs. The street eddied round me. Blasts. Blares. Tires screeched. It was […]

Back Home by Vladimir Mayakovsky

Back Home by Vladimir Mayakovsky Thoughts, go your way home. Embrace, depths of the soul and the sea. In my view, it is stupid to be always serene. My cabin is the worst of all cabins ; All night above me Thuds a smithy of feet. All night, stirring the ceiling’s calm, dancers stampede to […]

Past One O’Clock … by Vladimir Mayakovsky

Past One O’Clock … by Vladimir Mayakovsky Past one o’clock. You must have gone to bed. The Milky Way streams silver through the night. I’m in no hurry; with lightning telegrams I have no cause to wake or trouble you. And, as they say, the incident is closed. Love’s boat has smashed against the daily […]

Attitude To A Miss by Vladimir Mayakovsky

Attitude To A Miss by Vladimir Mayakovsky That night was to decide if she and I were to be lovers. Under cover of darkness no one would see, you see. I bent over her, it’s the truth, and as I did, it’s the truth, I swear it, I said like a kindly parent: “Passion’s a […]

What a beautiful world by Vladimir Marku

Cherry blossom Rose hue on the burdened trees Shy and proud of Their pregnancy The would-be mother of cherries Icy ice tundra Clad trees queuing up Waves of reason we dodge Along the snowy coast of Our lives. Goldish leaves laying the road Wonder where to Blanket of fire Chariot of bliss This autumn of […]

Time by Vladimir Marku

Time can roll, glide, sneak, fly or drip Without caring, minding, considering It’s you and me who should never sleep It’s love we have to build never weathering In each-other’s eyes and soul lie deep In eternity laying our feelings. Poetry In

Let Him In by Vishnu J Mohan

The inner turmoil has vanquished his demons love, Now he is totally at peace His love for you have made him Do the wonders that he could only imagine The war has ended within him His inner demons no longer exist You unlocked his heart my friend Now he only seeks you and your love […]

I Will by Vishü Rita Krocha

Here we stand again like we both dreamt Now is the perfect moment I wish Time would stand still But it’s okay, I’ll do it anyway Here is my heart of love Filled with care of a lifetime I wish You can look inside There is nothing I would hide Here is the place I […]

Happiness by Vishü Rita Krocha

I suppose happiness is fleeting, but is not too difficult to come by. I know of simple things that carry the charm, and can change the colour of a dull day. It’s the eye you have for life’s splendid things… The beauty, which they say, lies in the eye of the beholder. And with beauty […]

Friends by Vishü Rita Krocha

A new day is born. the sky opens, the birds chirp and the sun plays hide and seek. I wake with nature’s beauty, with peace and the serene pines with more dreams and a prayer. I’ve been moving, I feel like a vagabond but it feels like an answered prayer. The flowers bloom and the […]

Desperation by Vishü Rita Krocha

I despair for words, for thoughts, for company. for inspiration, dreams and a different world.   for laughter, love and life.   desperation- in pain.   for something to pass and die. for health and freedom. for a broken heart to heal.   for words to stay when passion engulfs me to write.   for […]

Aquarium epoch by Vladimir Marku

Justice is dead as morals fade The more we worship the money temple The lust, orgy and false splendor. How we wrong the smart and wise With their rights, yours and mine And the dull enjoys the paradise With a sin, a lie and a glass of wine. Poetry In

After Midnight by Walid Saba

I drink the wine … And then I drink some more But I will only feel fine Sipping a courteous whore I have no time for lies No time for talk Before my passion dies And to other side I walk I plan to sin, my dear, Not look into your eyes What love are […]