Fare Well by Walter de la Mare

Fare Well by Walter de la Mare When I lie where shades of darkness Shall no more assail mine eyes, Nor the rain make lamentation When the wind sighs; How will fare the world whose wonder Was the very proof of me? Memory fades, must the remembered Perishing be? Oh, when this my dust surrenders […]

Mother Nature by Walter William Safar

Mother Nature by Walter William Safar You melt the dreams, Into the liveliest colors of Life. All until the iron curtain; In our souls Emerged into reality. In your blessed chest, I heard the echo of a thousand souls; Your Clouds intertwine, They strained in a wonderful, Sweet despair, Awaiting the first lightning; Your mountains […]

Beloved Ireland by Walter William Safar

Beloved Ireland by Walter William Safar How far your dreams are walking While masters whisper out for them, I wonder while watching The blueish shadows in awe, Twirling around you, beloved Ireland, As if you were a slender young candle; (Wise men say that shadows are fellow sufferers and travellers to our dreams) How far […]

At the Lake Pavilion by Wang Wei

Small barge go to meet honoured guest Leisurely lake on come At railing face cup alcohol On all sides lotus bloom On a skiff I meet an honoured guest, Slowly, slowly, it comes across the lake. Facing at the railing, we drink a cup of wine, On all sides, lotus flowers are in bloom. ————— […]

Farewell by Wang Wei

Down horse drink gentleman alcohol Ask gentleman what place go Gentleman say not achieve wish Return lie south mountain near Still go nothing more ask White cloud not exhaust time Dismounting, I offer my friend a cup of wine, I ask what place he is headed to. He says he has not achieved his aims, […]

The War Films by Sir Henry Newbolt

The War Films by Sir Henry Newbolt O living pictures of the dead, O songs without a sound, O fellowship whose phantom tread Hallows a phantom ground — How in a gleam have these revealed The faith we had not found. We have sought God in a cloudy Heaven, We have passed by God on […]

1914 by Wilfred Owen

War broke: and now the Winter of the world With perishing great darkness closes in. The foul tornado, centred at Berlin, Is over all the width of Europe whirled, Rending the sails of progress. Rent or furled Are all Art’s ensigns. Verse wails. Now begin Famines of thought and feeling. Love’s wine’s thin. The grain […]

The House Where We Were Wed by Will McKendree Carleton

I’ve been to the old farm-house, good-wife, Where you and I were wed; Where the love was born to our two hearts That now lies cold and dead. Where a long-kept secret to you I told, In the yellow beams of the moon, And we forged our vows out of love’s own gold, To be […]

Dark spring by Yvor Winters

My mother Foresaw deaths And walked among Chrysanthemums, Winecolored, Withered rose, The earthy blossoms. My very breath Disowned In nights of study, And page by page I came on spring. The rats run on the roof, These words come hard—- Sadder than cockcrow In a dreamless, earthen sleep. The Christ, eternal In the scented cold; […]

The Tavern by Willa Cather

In the tavern of my heart Many a one has sat before, Drunk red wine and sung a stave, And, departing, come no more. When the night was cold without, And the ravens croaked of storm, They have sat them at my hearth, Telling me my house was warm. As the lute and cup went […]

The house where I was born (06) by Yves Bonnefoy

The house where I was born (06) by Yves Bonnefoy I woke up, but I was travelling, The train had rolled throughout the night, It was now going toward huge clouds That were standing, packed together, down there, Dawn rent from time to time by forks of lightning. I watched the advent of the world […]

Untitled XXI by Yunus Emre

If I told you about a land of love, friend, would you follow me and come? In that land are vineyards that yield a deadly wine- no glass can hold it. Would you swallow it as a remedy? The people there must suffer. Would you serve the sweetest drink to others and take the bitter […]

Untitled XIII by Yunus Emre

It’s the true man who leads the mystic life Whoever is human, whoever dares. Those who stand high and look below with scorn Are bound to fall from the top of the stairs. Though a gray-bearded old man might look grand, There is so much he doesn’t understand, Let him not struggle towards the Holy […]

Untitled XI by Yunus Emre

Dear Friend, let me plunge in the sea of love, Let me sink into that sea and walk on. Let both worlds become my sphere where I can Delight in the mystic glee and walk on. Let me become the nightingale that sings A soul freed from the dead body’s yearnings; Let me bury my […]

Untitled V by Yunus Emre

Your love has wrested me away from me, You’re the one I need, you’re the one I crave. Day and night I burn, gripped by agony, You’re the one I need, you’re the one I crave. I find no great joy in being alive, If I cease to exist, I would not grieve, The only […]

Jacke-On-Both-Sides by William Strode

Jacke-On-Both-Sides by William Strode I hold as fayth What Rome’s Church sayth Where the King’s head, That flock’s misled Where th’ Altar’s drest That People’s blest Who shuns the Masse Hee’s but an Asse Who Charity preach They Heav’n soone reach On Fayth t’rely, ‘Tis heresy What England’s Church allows My Conscience disavowes; That Church […]

Venus and Adonis by William Shakespeare

Lo, here the gentle lark, weary of rest, From his moist cabinet mounts up on high, And wakes the morning, from whose silver breast The sun ariseth in his majesty; Who doth the world so gloriously behold That cedar-tops and hills seem burnish’d gold. Venus salutes him with this fair good-morrow; “O thou clear god, […]

Rich Days by William Henry Davies

Rich Days by William Henry Davies Welcome to you rich Autumn days, Ere comes the cold, leaf-picking wind; When golden stocks are seen in fields, All standing arm-in-arm entwined; And gallons of sweet cider seen On trees in apples red and green. With mellow pears that cheat our teeth, Which melt that tongues may suck […]

A Plain Life by William Henry Davies

A Plain Life by William Henry Davies No idle gold — since this fine sun, my friend, Is no mean miser, but doth freely spend. No prescious stones — since these green mornings show, Without a charge, their pearls where’er I go. No lifeless books — since birds with their sweet tongues Will read aloud […]

On A Picture Of A Black Centaur By Edmund Dulac by William Butler Yeats

Your hooves have stamped at the black margin of the wood, Even where horrible green parrots call and swing. My works are all stamped down into the sultry mud. I knew that horse-play, knew it for a murderous thing. What wholesome sun has ripened is wholesome food to eat, And that alone; yet I, being […]

Michael Robartes And The Dancer by William Butler Yeats

He. Opinion is not worth a rush; In this altar-piece the knight, Who grips his long spear so to push That dragon through the fading light, Loved the lady; and it’s plain The half-dead dragon was her thought, That every morning rose again And dug its claws and shrieked and fought. Could the impossible come […]

A Thought From Propertius by William Butler Yeats

She might, so noble from head To great shapely knees The long flowing line, Have walked to the altar Through the holy images At pallas Athene’s Side, Or been fit spoil for a centaur Drunk with the unmixed wine. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic […]

A Drinking Song by William Butler Yeats

Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That’s all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die. I lift the glass to my mouth, I look at you, and I sigh. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by […]

A Deep Sworn Vow by William Butler Yeats

Others because you did not keep That deep-sworn vow have been friends of mine; Yet always when I look death in the face, When I clamber to the heights of sleep, Or when I grow excited with wine, Suddenly I meet your face. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, […]

Cuchulan’s Fight With The Sea by William Butler Yeats

A man came slowly from the setting sun, To Emer, raddling raiment in her dun, And said, ‘I am that swineherd whom you bid Go watch the road between the wood and tide, But now I have no need to watch it more.’ Then Emer cast the web upon the floor, And raising arms all […]

Colonus’ Praise by William Butler Yeats

(From Oedipus at Colonus) Chorus. Come praise Colonus’ horses, and come praise The wine-dark of the wood’s intricacies, The nightingale that deafens daylight there, If daylight ever visit where, Unvisited by tempest or by sun, Immortal ladies tread the ground Dizzy with harmonious sound, Semele’s lad a gay companion. And yonder in the gymnasts’ garden […]

Church And State by William Butler Yeats

Here is fresh matter, poet, Matter for old age meet; Might of the Church and the State, Their mobs put under their feet. O but heart’s wine shall run pure, Mind’s bread grow sweet. That were a cowardly song, Wander in dreams no more; What if the Church and the State Are the mob that […]

Man And The Echo by William Butler Yeats

Man. In a cleft that’s christened Alt Under broken stone I halt At the bottom of a pit That broad noon has never lit, And shout a secret to the stone. All that I have said and done, Now that I am old and ill, Turns into a question till I lie awake night after […]

Her Vision In The Wood by William Butler Yeats

Dry timber under that rich foliage, At wine-dark midnight in the sacred wood, Too old for a man’s love I stood in rage Imagining men. Imagining that I could A greater with a lesser pang assuage Or but to find if withered vein ran blood, I tore my body that its wine might cover Whatever […]

The Blessed by William Butler Yeats

Cumhal called out, bending his head, Till Dathi came and stood, With a blink in his eyes, at the cave-mouth, Between the wind and the wood. And Cumhal said, bending his knees, ‘I have come by the windy way To gather the half of your blessedness And learn to pray when you pray. ‘I can […]

The Black Tower by William Butler Yeats

Say that the men of the old black tower, Though they but feed as the goatherd feeds, Their money spent, their wine gone sour, Lack nothing that a soldier needs, That all are oath-bound men: Those banners come not in. There in the tomb stand the dead upright, But winds come up from the shore: […]

Supernatural Songs by William Butler Yeats

I. Ribh at the Tomb of Baile and Aillinn Because you have found me in the pitch-dark night With open book you ask me what I do. Mark and digest my tale, carry it afar To those that never saw this tonsured head Nor heard this voice that ninety years have cracked. Of Baile and […]

The Host Of The Air by William Butler Yeats

O’Driscoll drove with a song The wild duck and the drake From the tall and the tufted reeds Of the drear Hart Lake. And he saw how the reeds grew dark At the coming of night-tide, And dreamed of the long dim hair Of Bridget his bride. He heard while he sang and dreamed A […]

The Grey Rock by William Butler Yeats

Poets with whom I learned my trade. Companions of the Cheshire Cheese, Here’s an old story I’ve remade, Imagining ‘twould better please Your cars than stories now in fashion, Though you may think I waste my breath Pretending that there can be passion That has more life in it than death, And though at bottling […]

The Mountain Tomb by William Butler Yeats

Pour wine and dance if manhood still have pride, Bring roses if the rose be yet in bloom; The cataract smokes upon the mountain side, Our Father Rosicross is in his tomb. Pull down the blinds, bring fiddle and clarionet That there be no foot silent in the room Nor mouth from kissing, nor from […]

The Madness Of King Goll by William Butler Yeats

I sat on cushioned otter-skin: My word was law from Ith to Emain, And shook at Inver Amergin The hearts of the world-troubling seamen, And drove tumult and war away From girl and boy and man and beast; The fields grew fatter day by day, The wild fowl of the air increased; And every ancient […]

The Wanderings of Oisin: Book II by William Butler Yeats

Now, man of croziers, shadows called our names And then away, away, like whirling flames; And now fled by, mist-covered, without sound, The youth and lady and the deer and hound; ‘Gaze no more on the phantoms,’ Niamh said, And kissed my eyes, and, swaying her bright head And her bright body, sang of faery […]

The Wanderings of Oisin: Book I by William Butler Yeats

S. Patrick. You who are bent, and bald, and blind, With a heavy heart and a wandering mind, Have known three centuries, poets sing, Of dalliance with a demon thing. Oisin. Sad to remember, sick with years, The swift innumerable spears, The horsemen with their floating hair, And bowls of barley, honey, and wine, Those […]

The Secret Rose by William Butler Yeats

Far-off, most secret, and inviolate Rose, Enfold me in my hour of hours; where those Who sought thee in the Holy Sepulchre, Or in the wine-vat, dwell beyond the stir And tumult of defeated dreams; and deep Among pale eyelids, heavy with the sleep Men have named beauty. Thy great leaves enfold The ancient beards, […]

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake

THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL BY WILLIAM BLAKE [lwptoc] THE ARGUMENT RINTRAH roars and shakes his fires in the burden’d air, Hungry clouds swag on the deep. Once meek, and in a perilous path The just man kept his course along The Vale of Death. Roses are planted […]