intertwined by rachel wright

TO souls intertwined together like lace two hearts beating as one bodies linked, to minds in synced the love that we make is oh so sweet with love and passion that runs through deep the true love we find is intertwined in both of us together each touch that we feel is soft like a […]

I Hardly Remember by Rafael Guillen

I Hardly Remember by Rafael Guillen I hardly remember your voice, but the pain of you floats in some remote current of my blood. I carry you in my depths, trapped in the sludge like one of those corpses the sea refuses to give up. It was a spoiled remnant of the South. A beach […]

Homecoming of Love on the Sands by Rafael Alberti

Homecoming of Love on the Sands by Rafael Alberti This morning, my love, we are twenty years old. Let us go, very slowly, braiding together Our barefoot shadows, on paths through orchards That face the blue of the sea with all their greenness. You ar almost an apparition, The same one which came once in […]

Hex by Rachel McKibbens

The bitch in the photograph wears my face. I cut off my nose, her nose collapses. Chop down my hair & hers shrieks from the sink. How many poems do I have to write ‘til she gets dead, how many live-wire syllables? I drive a fork into her heart & she comes back a quart […]

From Marinero en tierra by Rafael Alberti

From Marinero en tierra by Rafael Alberti The waves, blue walls of Africa, go and come back. When they go… Ah, to go with them! Ah, to come back with them! When they come back… ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster […]

EVENING… by R.M. Engelhardt

EVENING… by R.M. Engelhardt EVENING Evening… You kill me. Slow pulse, slow your image still burning Still. Ouiet, As all these voices come out Into the dark, at night. My love, my sadness… ‘Night’ You, more than just another dance With the moon. Poetry In

El Cafetal by Rafael Guillen

El Cafetal by Rafael Guillen I came with the rising sun and I’ve brought nothing but two eyes, all I have, simply two eyes, for the harvest of grief that’s hidden in this jungle like the coffee shrubs. Fewer, but they fling themselves upwards, untouchable, are the trees that invidiously shut out the light from […]

Across the Street from the Whitmore Home for Girls, 1949 by Rachel McKibbens

The Mad Girls climb the wet hill, breathe the sharp air through sick-green lungs. The Wildest One wanders off like an old cow and finds a steaming breast inside a footprint in the snow. She slips it into her glove, holds it close like a darling. At night, she suckles the lavender tit, still warm […]

zen: a very short history by Raj Arumugam

dhyana went to China from China Ch’an went to Japan and Japan gave the world Zen Copyright ©:  Raj Arumugam ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library of poetic […]

you witness my dying by Raj Arumugam

you witness my dying by Raj Arumugam you witness my dying as you see my life, my hopes and desires and all my embarrassments and my achievements too, dear moon O quiet presence, O radiant presence all one’s life; and what do you look at these days in my life darling moon what do you […]

you say you love the earth by Raj Arumugam

you say you love the earth love the ocean but you don’t really do otherwise you wouldn’t have pissed poison in there; and even when you protest you do, you do you just love it for your own and so I’m taking it away from you you say you love the skies but do you […]

you are there moon by Raj Arumugam

you are there moon by Raj Arumugam you are there moon; I thought you were not and I went to sleep and I sighed: “She will not come, not tonight; she has some other lover”; and I went to sleep and then much later now I wake up and you’ve come, out there and your […]

word of God by Raj Arumugam

I never speak of God but people keep telling me about God and they keep telling me: This is the Word of God! Or they brandish a Book before me and they say: This is the Final Word of God! But I say: Look, I’ve just had a Revelation; God has just spoken to me; […]

women picking edible plants by Raj Arumugan

a little more haste, neighbor, as we pick edible plants on these slopes of the mountains; the air is fresh and the delicate plants abundant enough though one has to humble oneself by leaning down to these rare ones; we will bring them home and some we can eat fresh and raw and most we […]

what I want to know by Raj Arumugam

what I want to know what I’d really like to know before I drop down dead or crawl into amnesia or alzheimer’s or whatever; what I really want to know (if I can remember it; let me see if I can recall it, refresh please…. try and retrieve it from the backwaters of my mind) […]

what a poet must do by Raj Arumugam

a poet, it is said, must be pure and holy; a poet, it is decreed, must bring truth and clarity; a poet, it is declared, must use words good and sublime; a poet, it is said must choose subjects that are sanctioned and chaste like the moon and stars and butterflies and innocent creatures of […]

was it you, mooon? by Raj Arumugam

was it you, mooon? by Raj Arumugam cold moon I am sad; was it you, distant moon, who made me so tonight? Copyright ©:  Raj Arumugam ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster […]

walking with a staff by Raj Arumugam

walking with a staff by Raj Arumugam I did not want the courts and the life of the cities and I did not want the struggle but I did not leave – perhaps it was me that saw the tension but could not come into integrity and put the blame on duty, care and responsibility […]

The village girl models for the artist, 1904 by Raj Arumugam

You want me to talk, Sir? I’d relax and you can paint better, Sir? Maybe, Sir…maybe, but what shall I say, Sir? For I am not used to talking to important people like you, Sir… Why do you laugh, Sir? It is true, I’m just a girl from the village, Sir attending to Laxmi and […]

The Discovery of the Kama Sutra by Raj Arumugam

Part 1 At the Saint’s Book Store (Singapore, 1970) when I was just 15 and just after a trip to the National Library I saw a slim volume at the Saint’s Book Store (named after a TV series and true to the borrowed name, a second-hand book store) and its spine said: Kama Sutra Now […]

Taking yourself too seriously by Raj Arumugam

OK, granted, you got to take yourself seriously or no one will – but take yourself too seriously and you’re like a cracking statue about to crumble there’s too much really of people running around taking themselves too seriously pushing themselves forward putting their faces to the forefront almost pushing it against other people’s arses […]

Sohni and her love Mahinwal by Raj Arumugam

Sohni and her love Mahinwal by Raj Arumugam Sohni’s heart pines for Mahinwal for she loves him beyond all things earthly By day she paints flowers on the pots her father makes O Sohni’s heart is always filled with love And by night she swims across with a pot to help her float and she […]

sadness from the night by Raj Arumugam

sadness from the night by Raj Arumugam last night as the clouds spread thin breaking like long dry leaves long in the open there was a loneliness; last night as the street lights cast their glow on the walls and their fingertips touched my lips there was a sadness; last night as the cool wind […]

run home, run home butterfly by Raj Arumugam

run home, run home butterfly by Raj Arumugam run home run home butterfly; run run fly fly fly there’s rain and hail and the wind blows wild; what are you doing flitting idly by? run home run home butterfly; run run fly fly fly duck for cover excuse the expression; hide under a tree or […]

Rip van Winkle’s dream by Raj Arumugam

Rip van Winkle’s dream by Raj Arumugam I slept for twenty years comfortably below the tree up in the quiet mountains and all that time I lay in a sleep as deep as before I came to my mother’s womb and yes, I had dreams in those two decades of sleep – but no, I […]

Revenge of the Ghost of the Betrayed Husband by Raj Arumugam

Revenge of the Ghost of the Betrayed Husband by Raj Arumugam Heee! Heee! Hooooooo….. Well, Hello, lovebirds…making love are we? One on top of the other still with flesh and organs all intact and making all sorts of crude noises and getting into this messy business – getting your bed sticky and wet with sweat; […]

Poet Herodia of ancient Pincaeia by Raj Arumugam

Poet Herodia of ancient Pincaeia by Raj Arumugam one day the poet Herodia of ancient Pincaeia found in the garden a note thrown in over the wall: dear poet do not sing us of unpleasant things; do not make us think: sing us of love instead a poem about a kiss is far easier to […]

pissed-off cow by Raj Arumugam

pissed-off cow by Raj Arumugam What have you come to admire? says the cow you guys and gals stand around new to the farm you say ah, look at the horses (memories of horse races in the corners of your mind) you look at the lambs and you go soft and sweet; “Oh, how cute,” […]

on the edge of the seat by Raj Arumugam

on the edge of the seat by Raj Arumugam you’re not going are you today to the edge of your seat to the corners of insanity? to the corners at the cinema nearest the exit to run off when the demons come to sleep in the day below your bed so the rabbits cannot find […]

on our conditioning by Raj Arumugam

on our conditioning by Raj Arumugam there is no seeing, no clear seeing; we do not want to see… We rather have glasses with rainbow colors on them, so what we see is seen through them… Why see for oneself? it’s far easier far better, much more comfortable to get in a group and believe […]

Old Man Poet by Raj Arumugam

Old Man Poet by Raj Arumugam Poetry and poverty go together, the saying goes; this poem explores this bleak idea. The narrative is set in an ancient Chinese context. Old Man Poet you’ve grown a rich self while your body grows weary and your vision fades; all your friends Old Man Poet have hoarded silver […]

oh no – not another love poem! by Raj Arumugam

oh no – not another love poem! by Raj Arumugam poem after poem at online poetry sites you find is another love poem Oh Susi your eyes are like fire and my heart is hot for your touch OK, fair enough everybody falls in love and we got to keep the human race pumping OK, […]

of spiritual matters by Raj Arumugam

of spiritual matters by Raj Arumugam and now, most dignified Gentlemen and most cultured Ladies – it is time to turn our attention to loftier matters, to speak of the spirit rather than of mundane concerns and to be stuck in unimaginative and non-inspiring habits; and so we turn our attention to the spirits to […]

Number 1 by Raj Arumugam

Number 1 by Raj Arumugam 1 two days ago we argued about food and my sweetheart she moved out; she picked up her pillow and she slept in the next room 2 the next morning we joked and laughed as if nothing had happened but in the evening we argued over her phone bills and […]

nonsense verse by Raj Arumugam

nonsense verse by Raj Arumugam I told my mind (using the principles of creative bidding): “All right; let’s two write some nonsense verse O Mind of mine, be silent awhile and draw from the deepest recesses of your profundity some short nonsense verse” and the Mind answered with desperate urgency: “But what have we been […]

no ambition for eternity by Raj Arumugam

no ambition for eternity by Raj Arumugam you know that little bird that’s on the tree and sings when it wants to and then just sits just looking about? you’ve seen that thin cloud in the vast clear blue sky that little wisp of cotton that seems so aimless and so pointless? have you seen […]

Nature’s song for the children by Raj Arumugam

Nature’s song for the children by Raj Arumugam 1 stand up, children stand up and wipe those tears; smile and laugh in your love of the fields and the stars smile and laugh little darlings; smile and laugh in your love of the birds and trees and the streams and the creatures of the earth […]

Nasrudin’s donkey eats poetry by Raj Arumugam

Nasrudin looks in the magic mirror that allows him to peep into the future and he sees many marvelous poems in cyberspace. So Nasrudin calls his donkey and he says to the donkey: See, donkey – there are so many marvelous poems in cyberspace. They are beautiful poems. But Nasrudin’s donkey says: Ah what’s the […]

Mummy, mummy who invented school? by Raj Arumugam

Mummy, mummy who invented school? by Raj Arumugam mummy, mummy, who invented school? oh, sweetheart, what a clever girl you are; why don’t you tell me first who you think invented school? I think, mummy, school must have been invented it must be by people like old grumpy Uncle Grim next door; and the grouchy […]

Mum and children in the street by Raj Arumugam

give my children O most noble Sirs a means to a life; give them hope, Sirs and let them smile give my children O most esteemed Sirs a way to dignity and respect; give the young and innocent the will, a skill, and strength with your wealth, Sirs set up schools that the poor may […]