Photograph of My Father in His Twenty-Second Year by Raymond Carver

October. Here in this dank, unfamiliar kitchen I study my father’s embarrassed young man’s face. Sheepish grin, he holds in one hand a string of spiny yellow perch, in the other a bottle of Carlsbad Beer. In jeans and denim shirt, he leans against the front fender of a 1934 Ford. He would like to […]

No Chance To A New Life by Rashmi Sreekumar

Coffee stains on my table top wilted roses an unwanted doll whats happening here is a life of despair give it a moment, it may all stop. It MAY all stop but lets not be Daft room after room is an empty trap no doors of hope, no help to come so i just stood […]

Live for the moment, be in the present by Ramesh V Deshpande

Life is filled with ups and downs obviously It is never a straight road as everyone wish It is a bumpy ride with fast twists and turns Hence instead of complaining and carping Merrily live for the moment, be in the present. Never ever contemplate on the future rosy For one knows not what lies […]

Late Fragment by Raymond Carver

And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of […]

Jobless by Rashmi

I dont have money no i dont have money what can i do? when i dont have any? pull up your socks, dont be a sissy i put my leg through but i see my piggy my socks are torn yes they are torn! rats in the house, I couldve sworn! Im hungry oh im […]

I’m not listening by Rashmi Sreekumar

What’s that you say? Your hearts broken in a row? That’s too bad you see Wish I had heard a little more. Don’t look surprised It’s nothing new You weren’t there When I felt blue I pulled my own weight too Through the pains of bullying But I came through I wasn’t complaining. If it […]

Flutter by Rashmi Sreekumar

The Wind caught something in my eye steal away i say But dont come around asking why You couldnt hold it longer a day. Maybe If you listen,if you’re silent you can hear the Flutter Set it free and it will spin you hold it,it will burn you fly along side and it will laugh […]

Fear by Raymond Carver

Fear of seeing a police car pull into the drive. Fear of falling asleep at night. Fear of not falling asleep. Fear of the past rising up. Fear of the present taking flight. Fear of the telephone that rings in the dead of night. Fear of electrical storms. Fear of the cleaning woman who has […]

Drinking While Driving by Raymond Carver

It’s August and I have not Read a book in six months except something called The Retreat from Moscow by Caulaincourt Nevertheless, I am happy Riding in a car with my brother and drinking from a pint of Old Crow. We do not have any place in mind to go, we are just driving. If […]

Circulation by Raymond Carver

And all at length are gathered in. –LOUISE BOGAN By the time I came around to feeling pain and woke up, moonlight flooded the room. My arm lay paralyzed, propped up like an old anchor under your back. You were in a dream, you said later, where you’d arrived early for the dance. But after […]

Butterfly by Ramesh Anand

My romance with efflorescence in an arboretum, Is the most picturesque moment in ultimatum. I can decorate your garden in style, Provided, you keep the flora in pride. Elated to dabble with your child, As long as, both of us get stirred. I can pose in variety of striking colors, Competing positively with seasonal flavors. […]

Bobber by Raymond Carver

On the Columbia River near Vantage, Washington, we fished for whitefish in the winter months; my dad, Swede- Mr. Lindgren-and me. They used belly-reels, pencil-length sinkers, red, yellow, or brown flies baited with maggots. They wanted distance and went clear out there to the edge of the riffle. I fished near shore with a quill […]

Autumn by Ramesh Anand

autumn sky patches of twilight in the falling leaf autumn dawn mother serves white rice on an almond leaf autumn dawn she sees a white hair in my mustache autumn listening deep to my inner voice on a stone bench mother fingers her wrinkles autumn loneliness Poetry In

An Afternoon by Raymond Carver

As he writes, without looking at the sea, he feels the tip of his pen begin to tremble. The tide is going out across the shingle. But it isn’t that. No, it’s because at that moment she chooses to walk into the room without any clothes on. Drowsy, not even sure where she is for […]

Watching the Bird Watcher by Richard Schiffman

She peers through binoculars into a treetop lit with day’s last blaze, where some bird alights unseen by me. Her gaze poised tremulous and light, as if resting upon a twig– looking, looking at the bird that we don’t see. The bird in the tree, and the seer of the bird sharing for the stainless […]

Virtual Impressions by Renu Ayyar

Buried in dust & grime Are my poems Lifeless & inconspicuous! The poet in me has been brutally murdered And so are my words; choked to death Reminiscence of yester years have all turned sour! There was a time; they were earnestly appreciated by all But now you hear them shout from roof-tops Seeking attention!?!? […]

Two Wings by Ricardo Sternberg

Two Wings by Ricardo Sternberg Two Wings She would drift into the kitchen trailing fragments of a hymn that spoke of God, a river, the pair of golden wings that would be hers on Judgement Day and were you to look at her then you might well decide your best bet for a meal would […]

They won’t Know by Rifat Ilgaz

What will I leave for the people left behind, For my children, For their children too? More or less My shared piece From Black Sea… Five or ten acres of land from sky. The things I want to give them when I was alive, The things I couldn’t give, fleeings, hidings caused. I know for […]

The Laws of God, The Laws of Man by A. E. Housman

The laws of God, the laws of man, He may keep that will and can; Not I: let God and man decree Laws for themselves and not for me; And if my ways are not as theirs Let them mind their own affairs. Their deeds I judge and much condemn, Yet when did I make […]

The Invention of Honey by Ricardo Sternberg

The Invention of Honey by Ricardo Sternberg Admit from the start: next to nothing is what we know about the bee. Some have argued that the sun cried, the tears fell, they took wings, took heart and went to work. Others have called this poetry — dismissing it as hatched by men with their heads […]

Swallows by Richard Schiffman

How from the doldrums of the day they tumbled; only swallows skimming treetops. Yet no wheeling eagle could compete with this sudden squall of sickle wings, roller coasters sprung from nowhere, or conjured from the air itself, pouring in from everywhere like rain. No ordered flock, but schools of comets spinning tails of flame. Arsonists […]

Supply=Demand by Ricardo Sternberg

Supply=Demand by Ricardo Sternberg Supply=Demand Quarter to four on a Sunday as the snow began to fall, she entered the room and whispered I wish for once and for all, you’d tell me how much you love me and how long that love will last for doubt has crept into my heart and passion is […]

Skyscrapers by Rifat Ilgaz

A woman who lit the way for centuries Is ready to cry on the shore. Anger on her cheeks, Blood on her skirt, Fallen off her waist Her rainbow. In a sunny clime Skyscraper has closed its curtains. A flag is fluttering In a timeless tempest That sweeps the Asian shores. The tempest began Even […]

Silence by Riju Dave

Silence Silence is a storm, stirred up by words unsaid, unheard, as yet unhurled. In the interlude of sighs, a want curled up. In the fleeting flicker of a flaccid gaze, In the screaming beat of a scuppered heart, a desire curtailed, a dream unfurled. Poetry In

Rainbow by Ria De Torres

Seven unique hues, Hemmed by the hands of our God, Hope in every heart. Poetry In

Only If I Know by Rifat Ilgaz

This feet will judge me, I let them walk about,behind a thought Street to street. This head, this inflexible head too… Sometimes tired Always yearing for a pillow! This lungs too, will judge me, I,unfortunately refused the sun,the air from them. This mouth, these theeth, this stomach… What could I offer loosely! These wrists, too, […]

My Search by Renu Ayyar

In the cross-roads of life, sometime ago; I met an ‘Alien’, too familiar for words to explain; When life for me was directionless, restrained & disoriented; He showed me how a little curve can glisten, An otherwise uninspiring countenance! How unspoken words can touch the inner cords of a plagued heart While a little madness […]

My Partner in Crime by Rennu Ayyar

To My Partner In Crime Not once but umpteen number of times, Have I erred and so have you! You made the first move, I accepted I won the opening of the game, you well conceived ! In your deceptive eyes, I saw deception coming my way But always gave in to your heart melting […]

My Last Poem by Rifat Ilgaz

Let my hand touch yours Let me warm it if it’s cold My last warmth shall not be wasted! Copyright ©:  Translated By Burcu Alkan ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — […]

Man Versus Satan by Shahida Latif

Both: Man and Satan are the fuel of falsehood, But the ingredient that tell between them, Is of stupendous, quite contradictory, opposing. Satan remains staunch, unbent and resolute, On the false commission of the deeds. Though Man commits wrongs trespassingly no doubt, Goes against the imposed restrictions or barriers, Chasing taste, attractions or carnal pleasures, […]

Lovers in Cafe by Aiyah De Torres

A perfect morning, the sun shines aglow. Reflecting on leaves kissing by dew. Doves fills the scene outside… Two lovers meet in a wondrous site. Found the love they search too long. Inside the cafe in a midst of Paris, The place where lovers and friends belong. Sitting and sipping a cup of cappuccino. Eyes […]

LET Go.. by Renu Ayyar

Let go, a truth so bitter; Let go, a wound so sore For nothing in life is permanent; And ‘Change’ is the only constant ! Let go, a hidden drop of tear; Let go, a secret concealed & obscured For a day that follows the night without remorse; From a grappling ‘Dusk’ to a delighting […]

In Poetry by Rifat Ilgaz

I loved the fight, in poetry first The freedom word by word, in poetry Line by line I loved to live So I loved anger and bliss… Your bright days, My optimistic friends, All, all in poetry. Whatever I’ve lost… Everything I’ve found, in poetry. Is it our love only, That precedes rhyme, There’s also […]

In Every Language by Rifat Ilgaz

In what language do children cry, In what language do they smile Crying has one meaning in every language Chinese, English, Turkish… Sniffling Maybe a little child-like. Crying your heart out, And sobbing Humanlike! My beautiful child In what language is to make on cry? Starting from the slaves and captives Up to the bards […]

I Write a Poem by Aiyah De Torres

I write a poem that will entertain the world. A poem that will fade someone’s fear. The one that will inspire you to smile. Something that can make you out of mind. I write a poem for lovers and friends, To describe the feelings, how is love moves the earth. A poem that encourages deads […]

Girl Child – An Alternate Reality by Rekha Seshadri

Burned to ashes… Never to be held to the warm bosom. As I watched, weak and helpless, The comforting embrace of known arms Enclosed in their hold, not for long. Mud I smelt, wet, dust caused sniffles Calloused hands unwrap the blanket Shivering body laid to rest… The billowing earth, burning lungs, Choked cry stuck […]

Elusive Lover by Renu Ayyar

From the shackles of boredom and entrap of loneliness Emerged sketches of an elusive lover, With chiseled features & curly tresses; Ah! The perfect Greek god Teasing the romantic in me to write; With a feather dipped in ‘Sea of Love’ Holding my trembling hand; as I begin to write just for HIM In his […]

Crows and Hawks by Richard Schiffman

The sky, I’ve noticed, does not stop to chart the flight of crows, nor crows recall their flight through air. Neither does the night record the course of stars. Though earth leaps daily through a flaming hoop of sky, every day it is another earth, another hoop entire. And once the hummingbird has sipped the […]

Clever Stalk by Richard Schiffman

A botanical gardenist of sidewalks. A weedologist with a doctorate in cracks and crannies. A city boy shooting straight from the pavement, the mean street itself, clenched by a thimbleful of dirt, an ecosystem that fit his scrawny seed, from which arose a life, not unconstrained, but free to rise, not far, but far enough […]