The Buddhist poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) There never was a face as fair as yours, A heart as true, a love as pure and keen. These things endure, if anything endures. But, in this jungle, what high heaven immures Us in its silence, the supreme serene Crowning the dagoba, what destined die Rings on the […]

The Atheist poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Nor thou, Habib, nor I are glad, when rosy limbs and sweat entwine; But rapture drowns the sense and self, the wine the drawer of the wine, And Him that planted first the grape- o podex, in thy vault there dwells A charm to make the member mad, […]

Thanatos Basileos poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) The serpent dips his head beneath the sea His mother, source of all his energy Eternal, thence to draw the strength he needs On earth to do indomitable dees Once more; and they, who saw but understood Naught of his nature of beatitude Were awed: they murmured with abated […]

Power poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) The mighty sound of forests murmuring In answer to the dread command; The stars that shudder when their king extends his hand, His awful hand to bless, to curse; or moves Toward the dimmest den In the thick leaves, not known of loves Or nymphs or men; […]

Pan to Artemis poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Uncharmable charmer Of Bacchus and Mars In the sounding rebounding Abyss of the stars! O virgin in armour, Thine arrows unsling In the brilliant resilient First rays of the spring! By the force of the fashion Of love, when I broke Through the shroud, through the cloud, Through […]

Optimist poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Kill off mankind, And give the Earth a chance! Nature might find In her inheritance The seedlings of a race Less infinitely base. Poetry Monster – Home A few random poems:   External links Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus […]

On; On; Poet poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) I to the open road, You to the hunchbacked street – Which of us two Shall the earlier rue That day we chanced to meet? I with a heart that’s sound, You with sick fancies of pain – Which of us two Would the earlier rue If we […]

Lyric of Love to Leah poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Come, my darling, let us dance To the moon that beckons us To dissolve our love in trance Heedless of the hideous Heat & hate of Sirius- Shun his baneful brilliance! Let us dance beneath the palm Moving in the moonlight, frond Wooing frond above the calm Of […]

Long Odds poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) How many million galaxies there are Who knows? and each has countless stars in it, And each rolls through eternities afar Beneath the threshold of the Infinite. How is it that will all that space to roam I should have found this mote that spins and leaps In […]

Logos poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Out of the night forth flamed a star -mine own! Now seventy light-years nearer as I urge Constant my heart through the abyss unknown, Its glory my sole guide while space surge About me. Seventy light-yaers! As I near That gate of light that men call death, its cold […]

Linoz Isidoz poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Lo! I lament. Fallen is the sixfold Star: Slain is Asar. O twinned with me in the womb of Night! O son of my bowels to the Lord of Light! O man of mine that hast covered me From the shame of my virginity! Where art thou? Is it […]

La Gitana poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Your hair was full of roses in the dewfall as we danced, The sorceress enchanting and the paladin entranced, In the starlight as we wove us in a web of silk and steel Immemorial as the marble in the halls of Boabdil, In the pleasuance of the roses with […]

Independence poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Come to my arms — is it eve? is it morn? Is Apollo awake? Is Diana reborn? Are the streams in full song? Do the woods whisper hush Is it the nightingale? Is it the thrush? Is it the smile of the autumn, the blush Of the spring? Is […]

Hymn to Pan poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Thrill with lissome lust of the light, O man ! My man ! Come careering out of the night Of Pan ! Io Pan . Io Pan ! Io Pan ! Come over the sea From Sicily and from Arcady ! Roaming as Bacchus, with fauns and pards And […]

Hymn to Lucifer poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act? Without its climax, death, what savour hath Life? an impeccable machine, exact He paces an inane and pointless path To glut brute appetites, his sole content How tedious were he fit to comprehend Himself! More, this our noble element […]

Happy Dust poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) For Margot Snow that fallest from heaven, bear me aloft on thy wings To the domes of the star-girdled Seven, the abode of ineffable things, Quintessence of joy and of strength, that, abolishing future and past, Mak’st the Present an infinite length, my soul all-One with the Vast, […]

Elegy poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Here rests beneath this hospitable spot A youth to flats and flatties not unknown. The Plymouth Brethren gave it to him hot; Trinity, Cambridge, claimed him for her own. At chess a minor master, Hoylake set His handicap a 2. Love drove him crazy; Thrre thousand women used […]

Dumb poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Gabriel whispered in mine ear His archangelic poesie. How can I write? I only hear The sobbing murmur of the sea. Raphael breathed and bade me pass His rapt evangel to mankind; I cannot even match, alas! The ululation of the wind. The gross grey gods like […]

Dionysus poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) I bring ye wine from above, From the vats of the storied sun; For every one of yer love, And life for every one. Ye shall dance on hill and level; Ye shall sing in hollow and height In the festal mystical revel, The rapurous Bacchanal rite! The rocks […]

Colophon poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) TO LAYLAH EIGHT-AND-TWENTY Lamp of living loveliness, Maid miraculously male, Rapture of thine own excess Blushing through the velvet veil Where the olive cheeks aglow Shadow-soften into snow, Breasts like Bacchanals afloat Under the proudly phallic throat! Be thou to my pilgrimage Light, and laughter sweet and sage, […]

Boo to Buddha poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) So it is eighteen years, Helena, since we met! A season so endears, Nor you nor I forget The fresh young faces that once clove In that most fiery dawn of love. We wandered to and fro, Who knew not how to woo, Those eighteen years ago, Sweetheart, […]

Ave Adonai poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) [Dedicated to G. M. Marston] Pale as the night that pales In the dawn’s pearl-pure pavillion, I wait for thee, with my dove’s breast Shuddering, a god its bitter guest- Have I not gilded my nails And painted my lips with vermillion ? Am I not wholly […]

Au Bal poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) [Dedicated to Horace Sheridan-Bickers] A vision of flushed faces, shining limbs, The madness of the music that entrances All life in its delirium of dances! The white world glitters in the void, and swims Through the infinite seas of transcendental trances. Yea! all the hoarded seed of all […]

Athor and Asar poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) [Dedicated to Frank Harris, editor of Vanity Fair] On the black night, beneath the winter moon, I clothed me in the limbs of Codia, Swooning my soul out into her red throat, So that the glimmer of our skins, the tune Og our ripe rythm, seemed the hideous […]

At Sea poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) As night hath stars, more rare than ships In ocean, faint from pole to pole, So all the wonder of her lips Hints her innavigable soul. Such lights she gives as guide my bark; But I am swallowed in the swell Of her heart’s ocean, sagely dark, That […]

At Bordj-an-Nus poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) El Arabi! El Arabi! Burn in thy brilliance, mine own! O Beautiful! O Barbarous! Seductive as a serpent is That poises head and hood, and makes his body tremble to the drone Of tom-tom and of cymbal wooed by love’s assassin sorceries! El Arabi! El Arabi! The moon is […]

Arhan poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) When the chill of earth black-breasted is uplifted at the glance Of the red sun million-crested, and the forest blossoms dance With the light that stirs and lustres of the dawn, and with the bloom Of the wind’s cheek as it clusters from the hidden valley’s gloom : Then […]

An Oath poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) (An Oath wrtitten during the Dawn Meditation) Aiwaz! Confirm my troth with thee ! my will inspire With secret sperm of subtle, free, creating Fire! Mould thou my very flesh as Thine, renew my birth In childhood merry as divine, enchenated earth! Dissolve my rapture in Thine own, […]

Adela poem – Aleister Crowley poems | Poetry Monster

A poem by Alistar Crowley (1875-1947) Jupiter Mars P Moon VENEZIA, “May” 19″th”, 1910. Jupiter’s foursquare blaze of gold and blue Rides on the moon, a lilac conch of pearl, As if the dread god, charioted anew Came conquering, his amazing disk awhirl To war down all the stars. I see him through The […]

A Supplication

Awake, awake, my Lyre! And tell thy silent master’s humble tale In sounds that may prevail; Sounds that gentle thoughts inspire: Though so exalted she And I so lowly be Tell her, such different notes make all thy harmony. Hark, how the strings awake! And, though the moving hand approach not near, Themselves with […]

Written Juice Lemon

Whilst what I write I do not see, I dare thus, ev’n to you, write poetry. Ah, foolish Muse! which dost so high aspire, And know’st her judgment well, How much it does thy power excel, Yet dar’st be read by, thy just doom, the fire. Alas! thou think’st thyself secure, Because thy form […]

Written In Juice Of Lemon

Whilst what I write I do not see, I dare thus, ev’n to you, write poetry. Ah, foolish Muse! which dost so high aspire, And know’st her judgment well, How much it does thy power excel, Yet dar’st be read by, thy just doom, the fire. Alas! thou think’st thyself secure, Because thy form […]


TELL me, O tell, what kind of thing is Wit, Thou who Master art of it. For the First matter loves Variety less ; Less Women love ‘t, either in Love or Dress. A thousand different shapes it bears, Comely in thousand shapes appears. Yonder we saw it plain ; and here ’tis now, […]


Go, let the fatted calf be kill’d; My prodigal’s come home at last, With noble resolutions fill’d, And fill’d with sorrow for the past: No more will burn with love or wine; But quite has left his women and his swine. Welcome, ah! welcome, my poor heart! Welcome! I little thought, I’ll swear (‘T […]

Vote Excerpt

……… This only grant me : that my means may lie Too low for envy, for contempt too high. Some honour I would have, Not from great deeds, but good alone ; Th’ ignote are better than ill-known, Rumor can ope the grave. Acquaintance I would hug, but when ‘t depends Not from the […]


Thou ‘adst to my soul no title or pretence; I was mine own, and free, Till I had given myself to thee; But thou hast kept me slave and prisoner since. Well, since so insolent thou ‘rt grown, Fond tyrant! I’ll depose thee from thy throne; Such outrages must not admitted be In an […]

Tree Knowledge

THAT THERE IS NO KNOWLEDGE. Against the Dogmatists. THE sacred tree ‘midst the fair orchard grew; The Phoenix truth did on it rest, And built his perfum’d nest; That right Porphyrian tree which did true Logick shew, Each leaf did learned notions give, And th’ apples were demonstrative; So clear their colour and divine, […]

To The Royal Society

I. Philosophy the great and only heir Of all that human knowledge which has bin Unforfeited by man’s rebellious sin, Though full of years he do appear, (Philosophy, I say, and call it, he, For whatso’ere the painter’s fancy be, It a male-virtue seems to me) Has still been kept in nonage till of […]

To The Lord Falkland

FOR HIS SAFE RETURN FROM THE NORTHERN EXPEDITION AGAINST THE SCOTS. Great is thy Charge, O North! be wise and just, England commits her Falkland to thy trust; Return him safe; Learning would rather choose Her Bodley or her Vatican to lose: All things that are but writ or printed there, In his unbounded […]