
Flight Of Stairs by A. S. J. Tessimond Stairs fly as straight as hawks; Or else in spirals, curve out of curve, pausing At a ledge to poise their wings before relaunching. Stairs sway at the height of their flight Like a melody in Tristan; Or swoop to the ground with glad spread of their […]


Epitaph On A Disturber Of His Times by A. S. J. Tessimond We expected the violin’s finger on the upturned nerve; Its importunate cry, too laxly curved: And you drew us an oboe-outline, clean and acute; Unadorned statement, accurately carved. We expected the screen, the background for reverie Which cloudforms usefully weave: And you built […]


Epitaph For Our Children by A. S. J. Tessimond Blame us for these who were cradled and rocked in our chaos; Watching our sidelong watching, fearing our fear; Playing their blind-man’s-bluff in our gutted mansions, Their follow-my-leader on a stair that ended in air. Poetry Monster – Home A few random poems:   External links […]


Cats by A. S. J. Tessimond Cats no less liquid than their shadows Offer no angles to the wind. They slip, diminished, neat through loopholes Less than themselves; will not be pinned To rules or routes for journeys; counter Attack with non-resistance; twist Enticing through the curving fingers And leave an angered empty fist. They […]

Attack On The Ad-Man

  Attack On The Ad-Man by A. S. J. Tessimond This trumpeter of nothingness, employed To keep our reason dull and null and void. This man of wind and froth and flux will sell The wares of any who reward him well. Praising whatever he is paid to praise, He hunts for ever-newer, smarter ways […]

The Pleasures Of Friendship by Stevie Smith

The Pleasures Of Friendship by Stevie Smith The pleasures of friendship are exquisite, How pleasant to go to a friend on a visit! I go to my friend, we walk on the grass, And the hours and moments like minutes pass. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems […]

The Jungle Husband by Stevie Smith

The Jungle Husband by Stevie Smith Dearest Evelyn, I often think of you Out with the guns in the jungle stew Yesterday I hittapotamus I put the measurements down for you but they got lost in the fuss It’s not a good thing to drink out here You know, I’ve practically given it up dear. […]

Tenuous And Precarious by Stevie Smith

Tenuous And Precarious by Stevie Smith Tenuous and Precarious Were my guardians, Precarious and Tenuous, Two Romans. My father was Hazardous, Hazardous Dear old man, Three Romans. There was my brother Spurious, Spurious Posthumous, Spurious was Spurious, Was four Romans. My husband was Perfidious, He was Perfidious Five Romans. Surreptitious, our son, Was Surreptitious, He […]

Sunt Leones by Stevie Smith

Sunt Leones by Stevie Smith The lions who ate the Christians on the sands of the arena By indulging native appetites played was now been seen a Not entirely negligible part In consolidating at the very start The position of the Early Christian Church. Initiatory rights are always bloody In the lions, it appears From […]

Pad, Pad by Stevie Smith

Pad, Pad by Stevie Smith I always remember your beautiful flowers And the beautiful kimono you wore When you sat on the couch With that tigerish crouch And told me you loved me no more. What I cannot remember is how I felt when you were unkind All I know is, if you were unkind […]

Our Bog Is Dood by Stevie Smith

Our Bog Is Dood by Stevie Smith Our Bog is dood, our Bog is dood, They lisped in accents mild, But when I asked them to explain They grew a little wild. How do you know your Bog is dood My darling little child? We know because we wish it so That is enough, they […]

Not Waving But Drowning by Stevie Smith

Not Waving But Drowning by Stevie Smith Nobody heard him, the dead man, But still he lay moaning: I was much further out than you thought And not waving but drowning. Poor chap, he always loved larking And now he’s dead It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way, They said. […]

Nor We Of Her To Him by Stevie Smith

Nor We Of Her To Him by Stevie Smith He said no word of her to us Nor we of her to him, But oh it saddened us to see How wan he grew and thin. We said: she eats him day and night And draws the blood from him, We did not know but […]

Never Again by Stevie Smith

Never Again by Stevie Smith Never again will I weep And wring my hands And beat my head against the wall Because Me nolentem fata trahunt But When I have had enough I will arise And go unto my Father And I will say to Him: Father, I have had enough. ————— The End And […]

My Heart Was Full by Stevie Smith

My Heart Was Full by Stevie Smith My heart was full of softening showers, I used to swing like this for hours, I did not care for war or death, I was glad to draw my breath. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. […]

My Heart Goes Out by Stevie Smith

My Heart Goes Out by Stevie Smith My heart goes out to my Creator in love Who gave me Death, as end and remedy. All living creatures come to quiet Death For him to eat up their activity And give them nothing, which is what they want although When they are living they do not […]

Mother, Among The Dustbins by Stevie Smith

Mother, Among The Dustbins by Stevie Smith Mother, among the dustbins and the manure I feel the measure of my humanity, an allure As of the presence of God, I am sure In the dustbins, in the manure, in the cat at play, Is the presence of God, in a sure way He moves there. […]

Infelice by Stevie Smith

Infelice by Stevie Smith Walking swiftly with a dreadful duchess, He smiled too briefly, his face was pale as sand, He jumped into a taxi when he saw me coming, Leaving my alone with a private meaning, He loves me so much, my heart is singing. Later at the Club when I rang him in […]

In The Night by Stevie Smith

In The Night by Stevie Smith I longed for companionship rather, But my companions I always wished farther. And now in the desolate night I think only of the people i should like to bite. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster […]

I Remember by Stevie Smith

I Remember by Stevie Smith It was my bridal night I remember, An old man of seventy-three I lay with my young bride in my arms, A girl with t.b. It was wartime, and overhead The Germans were making a particularly heavy raid on Hampstead. What rendered the confusion worse, perversely Our bombers had chosen […]

I Do Not Speak by Stevie Smith

I Do Not Speak by Stevie Smith I do not ask for mercy for understanding for peace And in these heavy days I do not ask for release I do not ask that suffering shall cease. I do not pray to God to let me die To give an ear attentive to my cry To […]

Happiness by Stevie Smith

Happiness by Stevie Smith Happiness is silent, or speaks equivocally for friends, Grief is explicit and her song never ends, Happiness is like England, and will not state a case, Grief, like Guilt, rushes in and talks apace. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and […]

Freddy by Stevie Smith

Freddy by Stevie Smith Nobody knows what I feel about Freddy I cannot make anyone understand I love him sub specie aet ernitaties I love him out of hand. I don’t love him so much in the restaurants that’s a fact To get him hobnob with my old pub chums needs too much tact He […]

Exeat by Stevie Smith

Exeat by Stevie Smith I remember the Roman Emperor, one of the cruellest of them, Who used to visit for pleasure his poor prisoners cramped in dungeons, So then they would beg him for death, and then he would say: Oh no, oh no, we are not yet friends enough. He meant they were not […]

Edmonton, thy cemetery by Stevie Smith

Edmonton, thy cemetery by Stevie Smith Edmonton, thy cemetery In which I love to tread Has roused in me a dreary thought For all the countless dead, Ah me, the countless dead. Yet I believe that one is one And shall for ever be, And while I hold to this belief I walk, oh cemetery, […]

Drugs Made Pauline Vague by Stevie Smith

Drugs Made Pauline Vague by Stevie Smith Drugs made Pauline vague. She sat one day at the breakfast table Fingering in a baffled way The fronds of the maidenhair plant. Was it the salt you were looking for dear? said Dulcie, exchanging a glance with the Brigadier. Chuff chuff Pauline what’s the matter? Said the […]

Deeply Morbid by Stevie Smith

Deeply Morbid by Stevie Smith Deeply morbid deeply morbid was the girl who typed the letters Always out of office hours running with her social betters But when daylight and the darkness of the office closed about her Not for this ah not for this her office colleagues came to doubt her It was that […]

Conviction (iv) by Stevie Smith

Conviction (iv) by Stevie Smith I like to get off with people, I like to lie in their arms I like to be held and lightly kissed, Safe from all alarms. I like to laugh and be happy With a beautiful kiss, I tell you, in all the world There is no bliss like this. […]

Conviction (iii) by Stevie Smith

Conviction (iii) by Stevie Smith The shadow was so black, I thought it was a cat, But once in to it I knew it No more black Than a shadow’s back. Illusion is a freak Of mind; The cat’s to seek. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems […]

Conviction (ii) by Stevie Smith

Conviction (ii) by Stevie Smith I walked abroad in Easter Park, I heard the wild dog’s distant bark, I knew my Lord was risen again, – Wild dog, wild dog, you bark in vain. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — […]

Conviction (i) by Stevie Smith

Conviction (i) by Stevie Smith Christ died for God and me Upon the crucifixion tree For God a spoken Word For me a Sword For God a hymn of praise For me eternal days For God an explanation For me salvation. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems […]

Bag-Snatching In Dublin by Stevie Smith

Bag-Snatching In Dublin by Stevie Smith Sisely Walked so nicely With footsteps so discreet To see her pass You’d never guess She walked upon the street. Down where the Liffey waters’ turgid flood Churns up to greet the ocean-driven mud, A bruiser in fix Murdered her for 6/6. ————— The End And that’s the End […]

Away, Melancholy by Stevie Smith

Away, Melancholy by Stevie Smith Away, melancholy, Away with it, let it go. Are not the trees green, The earth as green? Does not the wind blow, Fire leap and the rivers flow? Away melancholy. The ant is busy He carrieth his meat, All things hurry To be eaten or eat. Away, melancholy. Man, too, […]

Autumn by Stevie Smith

Autumn by Stevie Smith He told his life story to Mrs. Courtly Who was a widow. ‘Let us get married shortly’, He said. ‘I am no longer passionate, But we can have some conversation before it is too late.’ ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic […]

Alone In The Woods by Stevie Smith

Alone In The Woods by Stevie Smith Alone in the woods I felt The bitter hostility of the sky and the trees Nature has taught her creatures to hate Man that fusses and fumes Unquiet man As the sap rises in the trees As the sap paints the trees a violent green So rises the […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Polyphony In A Cathedral by A. S. J. Tessimond/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>Polyphony In A Cathedral/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by A. S. J. Tessimond/h2> div id=”content”> p>Music curlsbr /> In the stone shellsbr /> Of the arches, and ringsbr /> Their stone bells./p> p>Music lipsbr /> Each cold groovebr /> […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>One Almost Might by A. S. J. Tessimond/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>One Almost Might/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by A. S. J. Tessimond/h2> div id=”content”> p>Wouldn’t you say,br /> Wouldn’t you say: one day,br /> With a little more time or a little more patience, one mightbr /> Disentangle for separate, […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Nursery Rhyme For A Twenty-First Birthday by A. S. J. Tessimond/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>Nursery Rhyme For A Twenty-First Birthday/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by A. S. J. Tessimond/h2> div id=”content”> p>You cannot see the walls that divide your handbr /> From his or hers or mine when you think you […]

Not Love Perhaps

    This is not Love perhaps – Love that lays down Its life, that many waters cannot quench, nor the floods drown, – But something written in lighter ink, said in a lower tone; Something perhaps especially our own: A need at times to be together and talk – And then the finding we […]


!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>Night Piece by A. S. J. Tessimond/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>Night Piece/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by A. S. J. Tessimond/h2> div id=”content”> p>Climb, claim your shelf-room, farbr /> Packed from inquisitive moonbr /> And cold contagious stars./p> p>Lean out, but look no longer,br /> No further, than to stirbr /> […]