Robert Burns: Election Ballad: At the close of the contest for representing the Dumfries Burghs, 1790. Addressed to R. Graham, Esq. of Fintry.
Election Ballad At the close of the contest for representing the Dumfries Burghs, 1790. Addressed to R. Graham, Esq. of Fintry.1790 Type: Ballad Fintry, my stay in wordly strife, Friend o’ my muse, friend o’ my life, Are ye as idle’s I am? Come then, wi’ uncouth kintra fleg, O’er Pegasus I’ll fling my leg, […]
Robert Burns: Gudewife, Count The Lawin:
Gudewife, Count The Lawin 1790 Type: Poem Gane is the day, and mirk’s the night, But we’ll ne’er stray for faut o’ light; Gude ale and bratdy’s stars and moon, And blue-red wine’s the risin’ sun. Chorus.-Then gudewife, count the lawin, The lawin, the lawin, Then gudewife, count the lawin, And bring a coggie […]
Robert Burns: I Murder Hate:
I Murder Hate 1790 Type: Song I murder hate by flood or field, Tho’ glory’s name may screen us; In wars at home I’ll spend my blood- Life-giving wars of Venus. The deities that I adore Are social Peace and Plenty; I’m better pleas’d to make one more, Than be the death of twenty. […]
Robert Burns: The Gowden Locks Of Anna:
The Gowden Locks Of Anna 1790 Type: Poem Yestreen I had a pint o’ wine, A place where body saw na; Yestreen lay on this breast o’ mine The gowden locks of Anna. The hungry Jew in wilderness, Rejoicing o’er his manna, Was naething to my hinny bliss Upon the lips of Anna. Ye […]
Robert Burns: Elegy On Willie Nicol’s Mare:
Elegy On Willie Nicol’s Mare 1790 Type: Elegy Peg Nicholson was a good bay mare, As ever trod on airn; But now she’s floating down the Nith, And past the mouth o’ Cairn. Peg Nicholson was a good bay mare, An’ rode thro’ thick and thin; But now she’s floating down the Nith, And […]
Robert Burns: Lines To A Gentleman,: Who had sent the Poet a Newspaper, and offered to continue it free of Expense.
Lines To A Gentleman, Who had sent the Poet a Newspaper, and offered to continue it free of Expense.1790 Type: Poem Kind Sir, I’ve read your paper through, And faith, to me, ’twas really new! How guessed ye, Sir, what maist I wanted? This mony a day I’ve grain’d and gaunted, To ken what French […]
Robert Burns: Scots’ Prologue For Mr. Sutherland: On his Benefit-Night, at the Theatre, Dumfries.
Scots’ Prologue For Mr. Sutherland On his Benefit-Night, at the Theatre, Dumfries.1790 Type: Poem What needs this din about the town o’ Lon’on, How this new play an’ that new sang is comin? Why is outlandish stuff sae meikle courted? Does nonsense mend, like brandy, when imported? Is there nae poet, burning keen for fame, […]
Robert Burns: Sketch -New Year’s Day [1790]: To Mrs. Dunlop.
Sketch -New Year’s Day [1790] To Mrs. Dunlop.1790 Type: Sketch This day, Time winds th’ exhausted chain; To run the twelvemonth’s length again: I see, the old bald-pated fellow, With ardent eyes, complexion sallow, Adjust the unimpair’d machine, To wheel the equal, dull routine. The absent lover, minor heir, In vain assail him with their […]
Robert Burns: Prologue Spoken At The Theatre Of Dumfries: On New Year’s Day Evening, 1790.
Prologue Spoken At The Theatre Of Dumfries On New Year’s Day Evening, 1790.1789 Type: Poem No song nor dance I bring from yon great city, That queens it o’er our taste-the more’s the pity: Tho’ by the bye, abroad why will you roam? Good sense and taste are natives here at home: But not for […]
Robert Burns: Election Ballad For Westerha’:
Election Ballad For Westerha’ 1789 Type: Song Tune: Up and waur them a’, Willie. The Laddies by the banks o’ Nith Wad trust his Grace wi a’, Jamie; But he’ll sair them, as he sair’d the King- Turn tail and rin awa’, Jamie. Chorus.-Up and waur them a’, Jamie, Up and waur them a’; […]
Robert Burns: The Five Carlins: An Election Ballad
The Five Carlins An Election Ballad1789 Type: Song Tune: Chevy Chase. There was five Carlins in the South, They fell upon a scheme, To send a lad to London town, To bring them tidings hame. Nor only bring them tidings hame, But do their errands there, And aiblins gowd and honor baith Might be that […]
Robert Burns: Epistle To Dr. Blacklock: Ellisland, 21st Oct., 1789
Epistle To Dr. Blacklock Ellisland, 21st Oct., 17891789 Type: Epistle Wow, but your letter made me vauntie! And are ye hale, and weel and cantie? I ken’d it still, your wee bit jauntie Wad bring ye to: Lord send you aye as weel’s I want ye! And then ye’ll do. The ill-thief blaw the Heron […]
Robert Burns: To Mary In Heaven:
To Mary In Heaven 1789 Type: Poem Thou ling’ring star, with lessening ray, That lov’st to greet the early morn, Again thou usher’st in the day My Mary from my soul was torn. O Mary! dear departed shade! Where is thy place of blissful rest? See’st thou thy lover lowly laid? Hear’st thou the […]
Robert Burns: The Whistle -A Ballad:
The Whistle -A Ballad 1789 Type: Ballad I sing of a Whistle, a Whistle of worth, I sing of a Whistle, the pride of the North. Was brought to the court of our good Scottish King, And long with this Whistle all Scotland shall ring. Old Loda, still rueing the arm of Fingal, The […]
Robert Burns: My Heart’s In The Highlands:
My Heart’s In The Highlands 1789 Type: Song Tune: Failte na Miosg. Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth; Wherever I wander, wherever I rove, The hills of the Highlands for ever I love. Chorus.-My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here, My […]
Robert Burns: The Captive Ribband:
The Captive Ribband 1789 Type: Song Tune: Robaidh dona gorach. Dear Myra, the captive ribband’s mine, ‘Twas all my faithful love could gain; And would you ask me to resign The sole reward that crowns my pain? Go, bid the hero who has run Thro’ fields of death to gather fame, Go, bid him […]
Robert Burns: A Waukrife Minnie:
A Waukrife Minnie 1789 Type: Poem Whare are you gaun, my bonie lass, Whare are you gaun, my hinnie? She answered me right saucilie, “An errand for my minnie.” O whare live ye, my bonie lass, O whare live ye, my hinnie? “By yon burnside, gin ye maun ken, In a wee house wi’ […]
Robert Burns: Awa’ Whigs, Awa’:
Awa’ Whigs, Awa’ 1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-Awa’ Whigs, awa’! Awa’ Whigs, awa’! Ye’re but a pack o’ traitor louns, Ye’ll do nae gude at a’. Our thrissles flourish’d fresh and fair, And bonie bloom’d our roses; But Whigs cam’ like a frost in June, An’ wither’d a’ our posies. Awa’ Whigs, &c. Our ancient […]
Robert Burns: The Braes O’ Killiecrankie:
The Braes O’ Killiecrankie 1789 Type: Poem Where hae ye been sae braw, lad? Whare hae ye been sae brankie, O? Whare hae ye been sae braw, lad? Cam ye by Killiecrankie, O? Chorus.-An ye had been whare I hae been, Ye wad na been sae cantie, O; An ye had seen what I […]
Robert Burns: The Battle Of Sherramuir:
The Battle Of Sherramuir 1789 Type: Song Tune: The Cameronian Rant. “O cam ye here the fight to shun, Or herd the sheep wi’ me, man? Or were ye at the Sherra-moor, Or did the battle see, man?” I saw the battle, sair and teugh, And reekin-red ran mony a sheugh; My heart, for […]
Robert Burns: Highland Harry Back Again:
Highland Harry Back Again 1789 Type: Poem My Harry was a gallant gay, Fu’ stately strade he on the plain; But now he’s banish’d far away, I’ll never see him back again. Chorus.-O for him back again! O for him back again! I wad gie a’ Knockhaspie’s land For Highland Harry back again. When […]
Robert Burns: I Gaed A Waefu’ Gate Yestreen:
I Gaed A Waefu’ Gate Yestreen 1789 Type: Poem I gaed a waefu’ gate yestreen, A gate, I fear, I’ll dearly rue; I gat my death frae twa sweet een, Twa lovely een o’bonie blue. ‘Twas not her golden ringlets bright, Her lips like roses wat wi’ dew, Her heaving bosom, lily-white- It was […]
Robert Burns: Ca’ The Yowes To The Knowes:
Ca’ The Yowes To The Knowes 1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-Ca’ the yowes to the knowes, Ca’ them where the heather grows, Ca’ them where the burnie rowes, My bonie dearie As I gaed down the water-side, There I met my shepherd lad: He row’d me sweetly in his plaid, And he ca’d me his […]
Robert Burns: Willie Brew’d A Peck O’ Maut:
Willie Brew’d A Peck O’ Maut 1789 Type: Song O Willie brew’d a peck o’ maut, And Rob and Allen cam to see; Three blyther hearts, that lee-lang night, Ye wadna found in Christendie. Chorus.-We are na fou, we’re nae that fou, But just a drappie in our ee; The cock may craw, the […]
Robert Burns: Extemporaneous Effusion: On being appointed to an Excise division.
Extemporaneous Effusion On being appointed to an Excise division.1789 Type: Extempore Searching auld wives’ barrels, Ochon the day! That clarty barm should stain my laurels: But-what’ll ye say? These movin’ things ca’d wives an’ weans, Wad move the very hearts o’ stanes! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland Poetry by […]
Robert Burns: Extemporaneous Effusion: On being appointed to an Excise division.
Extemporaneous Effusion On being appointed to an Excise division.1789 Type: Extempore Searching auld wives’ barrels, Ochon the day! That clarty barm should stain my laurels: But-what’ll ye say? These movin’ things ca’d wives an’ weans, Wad move the very hearts o’ stanes! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland Poetry by […]
Robert Burns: Sonnet On Receiving A Favour: Addressed to Robert Graham, Esq. of Fintry.
Sonnet On Receiving A Favour Addressed to Robert Graham, Esq. of Fintry. 1789 Type: Sonnet I call no Goddess to inspire my strains, A fabled Muse may suit a bard that feigns: Friend of my life! my ardent spirit burns, And all the tribute of my heart returns, For boons accorded, goodness ever new, The […]
Robert Burns: Presentation Stanzas To Correspondents:
Presentation Stanzas To Correspondents 1789 Type: Poem Factor John! Factor John, whom the Lord made alone, And ne’er made anither, thy peer, Thy poor servant, the Bard, in respectful regard, He presents thee this token sincere, Factor John! He presents thee this token sincere. Afton’s Laird! Afton’s Laird, when your pen can be spared, […]
Robert Burns: The Kirk Of Scotland’s Alarm:
The Kirk Of Scotland’s Alarm 1789 Type: Song Tune: Come rouse, Brother Sportsman! Orthodox! orthodox, who believe in John Knox, Let me sound an alarm to your conscience: A heretic blast has been blown in the West, “That what is no sense must be nonsense,” Orthodox! That what is no sense must be nonsense. […]
Robert Burns: Epigram On Francis Grose The Antiquary:
Epigram On Francis Grose The Antiquary 1789 Type: Epigram The Devil got notice that Grose was a-dying So whip! at the summons, old Satan came flying; But when he approached where poor Francis lay moaning, And saw each bed-post with its burthen a-groaning, Astonish’d, confounded, cries Satan-“By God, I’ll want him, ere I take […]
Robert Burns: On The Late Captain Grose’s Peregrinations Thro’ Scotland: Collecting The Antiquities Of That Kingdom
On The Late Captain Grose’s Peregrinations Thro’ Scotland Collecting The Antiquities Of That Kingdom1789 Type: Poem Hear, Land o’ Cakes, and brither Scots, Frae Maidenkirk to Johnie Groat’s;- If there’s a hole in a’ your coats, I rede you tent it: A chield’s amang you takin notes, And, faith, he’ll prent it: If in your […]
Robert Burns: My Eppie Adair:
My Eppie Adair 1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-An’ O my Eppie, my jewel, my Eppie, Wha wad na be happy wi’ Eppie Adair? By love, and by beauty, by law, and by duty, I swear to be true to my Eppie Adair! By love, and by beauty, by law, and by duty, I swear to […]
Robert Burns: Whistle O’er The Lave O’t:
Whistle O’er The Lave O’t 1789 Type: Poem First when Maggie was my care, Heav’n, I thought, was in her air, Now we’re married-speir nae mair, But whistle o’er the lave o’t! Meg was meek, and Meg was mild, Sweet and harmless as a child- Wiser men than me’s beguil’d; Whistle o’er the lave […]
Robert Burns: The Laddie’s Dear Sel’:
The Laddie’s Dear Sel’ 1789 Type: Poem There’s a youth in this city, it were a great pity That he from our lassies should wander awa’; For he’s bonie and braw, weel-favor’d witha’, An’ his hair has a natural buckle an’ a’. His coat is the hue o’ his bonnet sae blue, His fecket […]
Robert Burns: Carle, An The King Come:
Carle, An The King Come 1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-Carle, an the King come, Carle, an the King come, Thou shalt dance and I will sing, Carle, an the King come. An somebody were come again, Then somebody maun cross the main, And every man shall hae his ain, Carle, an the King come. Carle, […]
Robert Burns: Tam Glen:
Tam Glen 1789 Type: song My heart is a-breaking, dear Tittie, Some counsel unto me come len’, To anger them a’ is a pity, But what will I do wi’ Tam Glen? I’m thinking, wi’ sic a braw fellow, In poortith I might mak a fen; What care I in riches to wallow, If […]
Robert Burns: My Love, She’s But A Lassie Yet:
My Love, She’s But A Lassie Yet 1789 Type: Poem My love, she’s but a lassie yet, My love, she’s but a lassie yet; We’ll let her stand a year or twa, She’ll no be half sae saucy yet; I rue the day I sought her, O! I rue the day I sought her, […]
Robert Burns: John Anderson, My Jo:
John Anderson, My Jo 1789 Type: Poem John Anderson, my jo, John, When we were first acquent; Your locks were like the raven, Your bonie brow was brent; But now your brow is beld, John, Your locks are like the snaw; But blessings on your frosty pow, John Anderson, my jo. John Anderson, my […]
Robert Burns: The Captain’s Lady:
The Captain’s Lady 1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-O mount and go, mount and make you ready, O mount and go, and be the Captain’s lady. When the drums do beat, and the cannons rattle, Thou shalt sit in state, and see thy love in battle: When the drums do beat, and the cannons rattle, Thou […]
Robert Burns: Sweet Tibbie Dunbar:
Sweet Tibbie Dunbar 1789 Type: Poem O wilt thou go wi’ me, sweet Tibbie Dunbar? O wilt thou go wi’ me, sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Wilt thou ride on a horse, or be drawn in a car, Or walk by my side, O sweet Tibbie Dunbar? I care na thy daddie, his lands and his […]