Robert Burns: Farewell To Ballochmyle:
Farewell To Ballochmyle 1785 Type: Song Tune: Miss Forbe’s farewell to Banff. The Catrine woods were yellow seen, The flowers decay’d on Catrine lee, Nae lav’rock sang on hillock green, But nature sicken’d on the e’e. Thro’ faded groves Maria sang, Hersel’ in beauty’s bloom the while; And aye the wild-wood ehoes rang, Fareweel […]
Robert Burns: Young Peggy Blooms:
Young Peggy Blooms 1785 Type: Song Tune: Loch Eroch-side Young Peggy blooms our boniest lass, Her blush is like the morning, The rosy dawn, the springing grass, With early gems adorning. Her eyes outshine the radiant beams That gild the passing shower, And glitter o’er the crystal streams, And cheer each fresh’ning flower. Her […]
Robert Burns: Second Epistle to Davie: A Brother Poet
Second Epistle to Davie A Brother Poet1785 Type: Epistle Auld Neibour, I’m three times doubly o’er your debtor, For your auld-farrant, frien’ly letter; Tho’ I maun say’t I doubt ye flatter, Ye speak sae fair; For my puir, silly, rhymin clatter Some less maun sair. Hale be your heart, hale be your fiddle, Lang may […]
Robert Burns: Masonic Song:
Masonic Song 1786 Type: Song Tune: Shawn-boy,” or “Over the water to Charlie. Ye sons of old Killie, assembled by Willie, To follow the noble vocation; Your thrifty old mother has scarce such another To sit in that honoured station. I’ve little to say, but only to pray, As praying’s the ton of your […]
Robert Burns: Lines On Meeting With Lord Daer:
Lines On Meeting With Lord Daer 1786 Type: Poem This wot ye all whom it concerns, I, Rhymer Robin, alias Burns, October twenty-third, A ne’er-to-be-forgotten day, Sae far I sprackl’d up the brae, I dinner’d wi’ a Lord. I’ve been at drucken writers’ feasts, Nay, been bitch-fou ‘mang godly priests- Wi’ rev’rence be it […]
Robert Burns: Address To The Toothache:
Address To The Toothache 1786 Type: Address My curse upon your venom’d stang, That shoots my tortur’d gums alang, An’ thro’ my lug gies mony a twang, Wi’ gnawing vengeance, Tearing my nerves wi’ bitter pang, Like racking engines! When fevers burn, or argues freezes, Rheumatics gnaw, or colics squeezes, Our neibor’s sympathy can […]
Robert Burns: Farewell Song To The Banks Of Ayr: “I composed this song as I conveyed my chest so far on my road to Greenock, where I was to embark in a few days for Jamaica. I meant it as my farewell dirge to my native land.”-R. B.
Farewell Song To The Banks Of Ayr “I composed this song as I conveyed my chest so far on my road to Greenock, where I was to embark in a few days for Jamaica. I meant it as my farewell dirge to my native land.”-R. B.1786 Type: Song Tune: Roslin Castle. The gloomy night is […]
Robert Burns: O Thou Dread Power: Lying at a reverend friend’s house one night, the author left the following verses in the room where he slept:-
O Thou Dread Power Lying at a reverend friend’s house one night, the author left the following verses in the room where he slept:-1786 Type: Prayer O Thou dread Power, who reign’st above, I know thou wilt me hear, When for this scene of peace and love, I make this prayer sincere. The hoary Sire-the […]
Robert Burns: Epigram On Rough Roads:
Epigram On Rough Roads 1786 Type: Epigram I’m now arrived-thanks to the gods!- Thro’ pathways rough and muddy, A certain sign that makin roads Is no this people’s study: Altho’ Im not wi’ Scripture cram’d, I’m sure the Bible says That heedless sinners shall be damn’d, Unless they mend their ways. ————- Home Robert […]
Robert Burns: Fragment Of Song:
Fragment Of Song 1786 Type: Song The night was still, and o’er the hill The moon shone on the castle wa’; The mavis sang, while dew-drops hang Around her on the castle wa’; Sae merrily they danced the ring Frae eenin’ till the cock did craw; And aye the o’erword o’ the spring Was […]
Robert Burns: The Brigs Of Ayr: Inscribed to John Ballantine, Esq., Ayr.
The Brigs Of Ayr Inscribed to John Ballantine, Esq., Ayr.1786 Type: Poem The simple Bard, rough at the rustic plough, Learning his tuneful trade from ev’ry bough; The chanting linnet, or the mellow thrush, Hailing the setting sun, sweet, in the green thorn bush; The soaring lark, the perching red-breast shrill, Or deep-ton’d plovers grey, […]
Robert Burns: Reply To A Trimming Epistle Received From A Tailor:
Reply To A Trimming Epistle Received From A Tailor 1786 Type: Reply What ails ye now, ye lousie bitch To thresh my back at sic a pitch? Losh, man! hae mercy wi’ your natch, Your bodkin’s bauld; I didna suffer half sae much Frae Daddie Auld. What tho’ at times, when I grow crouse, […]
Robert Burns: Willie Chalmers: Mr. Chalmers, a gentleman in Ayrshire, a particular friend of mine, asked me to write a poetic epistle to a young lady, his Dulcinea. I had seen her, but was scarcely acquainted with her, and wrote as follows:-
Willie Chalmers Mr. Chalmers, a gentleman in Ayrshire, a particular friend of mine, asked me to write a poetic epistle to a young lady, his Dulcinea. I had seen her, but was scarcely acquainted with her, and wrote as follows:-1786 Type: song Wi’ braw new branks in mickle pride, And eke a braw new brechan, […]
Robert Burns: Nature’s Law – A Poem: Humbly inscribed to Gavin Hamilton, Esq.
Nature’s Law – A Poem Humbly inscribed to Gavin Hamilton, Esq.1786 Type: Poem Great Nature spoke: observant man obey’d-Pope. Let other heroes boast their scars, The marks of sturt and strife: And other poets sing of wars, The plagues of human life: Shame fa’ the fun, wi’ sword and gun To slap mankind like lumber! […]
Robert Burns: The Calf: To the Rev. James Steven, on his text, Malachi, ch. iv. vers. 2. “And ye shall go forth, and grow up, as Calves of the stall.”
The Calf To the Rev. James Steven, on his text, Malachi, ch. iv. vers. 2. “And ye shall go forth, and grow up, as Calves of the stall.”1786 Type: Poem Right, sir! your text I’ll prove it true, Tho’ heretics may laugh; For instance, there’s yourself just now, God knows, an unco calf. And should […]
Robert Burns: Thomson’s Edward and Eleanora.:
Thomson’s Edward and Eleanora. 1786 Type: Poem Farewell, old Scotia’s bleak domains, Far dearer than the torrid plains, Where rich ananas blow! Farewell, a mother’s blessing dear! A borther’s sigh! a sister’s tear! My Jean’s heart-rending throe! Farewell, my Bess! tho’ thou’rt bereft Of my paternal care. A faithful brother I have left, My […]
Robert Burns: The Farewell:
The Farewell 1786 Type: Poem The valiant, in himself, what can he suffer? Or what does he regard his single woes? But when, alas! he multiplies himself, To dearer serves, to the lov’d tender fair, To those whose bliss, whose beings hang upon him, To helpless children,-then, Oh then, he feels The point of […]
Robert Burns: Stanzas On Naething: Extempore Epistle to Gavin Hamilton, Esq.
Stanzas On Naething Extempore Epistle to Gavin Hamilton, Esq.1786 Type: Poem To you, sir, this summons I’ve sent, Pray, whip till the pownie is freathing; But if you demand what I want, I honestly answer you-naething. Ne’er scorn a poor Poet like me, For idly just living and breathing, While people of every degree Are […]
Robert Burns: Lines Written On A Banknote:
Lines Written On A Banknote 1786 Type: Poem Wae worth thy power, thou cursed leaf! Fell source o’ a’ my woe and grief! For lack o’ thee I’ve lost my lass! For lack o’ thee I scrimp my glass! I see the children of affliction Unaided, through thy curst restriction: I’ve seen the oppressor’s […]
Robert Burns: Lines To Mr. John Kennedy:
Lines To Mr. John Kennedy 1786 Type: Poem Farewell, dear friend! may guid luck hit you, And ‘mang her favourites admit you: If e’er Detraction shore to smit you, May nane believe him, And ony deil that thinks to get you, Good Lord, deceive him! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry […]
Robert Burns: Motto Prefixed To The Author’s First Publication:
Motto Prefixed To The Author’s First Publication 1786 Type: Poem The simple Bard, unbroke by rules of art, He pours the wild effusions of the heart; And if inspir’d ’tis Nature’s pow’rs inspire; Her’s all the melting thrill, and her’s the kindling fire. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland […]
Robert Burns: Lines To An Old Sweetheart:
Lines To An Old Sweetheart 1786 Type: Poem Once fondly lov’d, and still remember’d dear, Sweet early object of my youthful vows, Accept this mark of friendship, warm, sincere, Friendship! ’tis all cold duty now allows. And when you read the simple artless rhymes, One friendly sigh for him-he asks no more, Who, distant, […]
Robert Burns: The Lass O’ Ballochmyle:
The Lass O’ Ballochmyle 1786 Type: Song Tune: Ettrick Banks. ‘Twas even-the dewy fields were green, On every blade the pearls hang; The zephyr wanton’d round the bean, And bore its fragrant sweets alang: In ev’ry glen the mavis sang, All nature list’ning seem’d the while, Except where greenwood echoes rang, Amang the braes […]
Robert Burns: Epitaph On “Wee Johnie”: Hic Jacet wee Johnie.
Epitaph On “Wee Johnie” Hic Jacet wee Johnie.1786 Type: Epitaph Whoe’er thou art, O reader, know That Death has murder’d Johnie; An’ here his body lies fu’ low; For saul he ne’er had ony. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, […]
Robert Burns: Epitaph For Gavin Hamilton, Esq.:
Epitaph For Gavin Hamilton, Esq. 1786 Type: Epitaph The poor man weeps-here Gavin sleeps, Whom canting wretches blam’d; But with such as he, where’er he be, May I be sav’d or damn’d! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the […]
Robert Burns: Epitaph For Robert Aiken, Esq.:
Epitaph For Robert Aiken, Esq. 1786 Type: Epitaph Know thou, O stranger to the fame Of this much lov’d, much honoured name! (For none that knew him need be told) A warmer heart death ne’er made cold. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland Poetry by subject Poems by author […]
Robert Burns: A Bard’s Epitaph:
A Bard’s Epitaph 1786 Type: Epitaph Is there a whim-inspired fool, Owre fast for thought, owre hot for rule, Owre blate to seek, owre proud to snool, Let him draw near; And owre this grassy heap sing dool, And drap a tear. Is there a bard of rustic song, Who, noteless, steals the crowds […]
Robert Burns: Farewell To Eliza:
Farewell To Eliza 1786 Type: Song Tune: Gilderoy. From thee, Eliza, I must go, And from my native shore; The cruel fates between us throw A boundless ocean’s roar: But boundless oceans, roaring wide, Between my love and me, They never, never can divide My heart and soul from thee. Farewell, farewell, Eliza dear, […]
Robert Burns: On A Scotch Bard, Gone To The West Indies:
On A Scotch Bard, Gone To The West Indies 1786 Type: Poem A’ ye wha live by sowps o’ drink, A’ ye wha live by crambo-clink, A’ ye wha live and never think, Come, mourn wi’ me! Our billie ‘s gien us a’ a jink, An’ owre the sea! Lament him a’ ye rantin […]
Robert Burns: The Farewell To the Brethren of St. James’ Lodge, Tarbolton:
The Farewell To the Brethren of St. James’ Lodge, Tarbolton 1786 Type: Song Tune: Guidnight, and joy be wi’ you a’. Adieu! a heart-warm fond adieu; Dear brothers of the mystic tie! Ye favoured, enlighten’d few, Companions of my social joy; Tho’ I to foreign lands must hie, Pursuing Fortune’s slidd’ry ba’; With melting […]
Robert Burns: Versified Note To Dr. Mackenzie, Mauchline:
Versified Note To Dr. Mackenzie, Mauchline 1786 Type: Poem Friday first’s the day appointed By the Right Worshipful anointed, To hold our grand procession; To get a blad o’ Johnie’s morals, And taste a swatch o’ Manson’s barrels I’ the way of our profession. The Master and the Brotherhood Would a’ be glad to […]
Robert Burns: A Dedication : To Gavin Hamilton, Esq.
A Dedication To Gavin Hamilton, Esq.1786 Type: Poem Expect na, sir, in this narration, A fleechin, fleth’rin Dedication, To roose you up, an’ ca’ you guid, An’ sprung o’ great an’ noble bluid, Because ye’re surnam’d like His Grace- Perhaps related to the race: Then, when I’m tir’d-and sae are ye, Wi’ mony a fulsome, […]
Robert Burns: A Dream: Thoughts, words, and deeds, the Statute blames with reason; But surely Dreams were ne’er indicted Treason. On reading, in the public papers, the Laureate’s Ode, with the other parade of June 4th, 1786, the Author was no sooner dropt asleep, than he imagined himself transported to the Birth-day Levee: and, in his dreaming fancy, made the following Address:
A Dream Thoughts, words, and deeds, the Statute blames with reason; But surely Dreams were ne’er indicted Treason. On reading, in the public papers, the Laureate’s Ode, with the other parade of June 4th, 1786, the Author was no sooner dropt asleep, than he imagined himself transported to the Birth-day Levee: and, in his dreaming […]
Robert Burns: Address Of Beelzebub: To the Right Honourable the Earl of Breadalbane, President of the Right Honourable and Honourable the Highland Society, which met on the 23rd of May last at the Shakespeare, Covent Garden, to concert ways and means to frustrate the designs of five hundred Highlanders, who, as the Society were informed by Mr. M’Kenzie of Applecross, were so audacious as to attempt an escape from their lawful lords and masters whose property they were, by emigrating from the lands of Mr. Macdonald of Glengary to the wilds of Canada, in search of that fantastic thing-Liberty.
Address Of Beelzebub To the Right Honourable the Earl of Breadalbane, President of the Right Honourable and Honourable the Highland Society, which met on the 23rd of May last at the Shakespeare, Covent Garden, to concert ways and means to frustrate the designs of five hundred Highlanders, who, as the Society were informed by Mr. […]
Robert Burns: Epistle To A Young Friend:
Epistle To A Young Friend 1786 Type: Epistle I Lang hae thought, my youthfu’ friend, A something to have sent you, Tho’ it should serve nae ither end Than just a kind memento: But how the subject-theme may gang, Let time and chance determine; Perhaps it may turn out a sang: Perhaps turn out […]
Robert Burns: My Highland Lassie, O:
My Highland Lassie, O 1786 Type: Song Tune: The deuks dang o’er my daddy. Nae gentle dames, tho’ e’er sae fair, Shall ever be my muse’s care: Their titles a’ arc empty show; Gie me my Highland lassie, O. Chorus.-Within the glen sae bushy, O, Aboon the plain sae rashy, O, I set me […]
Robert Burns: Will Ye Go To The Indies, My Mary?:
Will Ye Go To The Indies, My Mary? 1786 Type: Song Tune: Will ye go to the Ewe-Bughts, Marion. Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary, And leave auld Scotia’s shore? Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary, Across th’ Atlantic roar? O sweet grows the lime and the orange, And the […]
Robert Burns: Versified Reply To An Invitation:
Versified Reply To An Invitation 1786 Type: Reply Sir, Yours this moment I unseal, And faith I’m gay and hearty! To tell the truth and shame the deil, I am as fou as Bartie: But Foorsday, sir, my promise leal, Expect me o’ your partie, If on a beastie I can speel, Or hurl […]
Robert Burns: To Gavin Hamilton, Esq., Mauchline,: Recommending a Boy.
To Gavin Hamilton, Esq., Mauchline, Recommending a Boy.1786 Type: Poem I hold it, sir, my bounden duty To warn you how that Master Tootie, Alias, Laird M’Gaun, Was here to hire yon lad away ‘Bout whom ye spak the tither day, An’ wad hae don’t aff han’; But lest he learn the callan tricks- An’ […]
Robert Burns: Despondency: An Ode:
Despondency: An Ode 1786 Type: Ode Oppress’d with grief, oppress’d with care, A burden more than I can bear, I set me down and sigh; O life! thou art a galling load, Along a rough, a weary road, To wretches such as I! Dim backward as I cast my view, What sick’ning scenes appear! […]