The Melancholy of Birth

by Alissia Lyons In white beds by white walls a fresh candle flickers as it rises and as it stalls and the baby turned to its side a heart born on a sleeve with no place to hide and if there’s one thing it doesn’t need that’s another life to lead […]

The islands of happiness

by Alicja Kuberska dreams come true in the Bahamas let’s go there where the wind brushes the green hair of palm trees the huge ocean murmurs sleepily the golden sand remembers footprints and the sun disappears in blue water in the evening before the black butterfly appears we have time to […]

The Internet Romance

by Alicja Kuberska He awakened hope inside her, and she believed in a lucky lot. Once again, she felt beautiful, desirable – the contemporary Queen of Sheba. For her, the flowers bloomed in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Roses diffused their intoxicating perfume, and the nightingales sang at night. The stars foretold […]

The End of the World

by Alissia Lyons The end of the world was dreary And teary, and eerie and grey As some did run to their loved ones, Others did cry in dismay They trampled, and wrestled and panicked not knowing just what they should do The people of Earth, they spent their last minutes […]

The Terms In Which I Think Of Reality poem – Allen Ginsberg

Reality is a question of realizing how real the world is already. Time is Eternity, ultimate and immovable; everyone’s an angel. It’s Heaven’s mystery of changing perfection : absolute Eternity changes! Cars are always going down the street, lamps go off and on. It’s a great flat plain; we can see everything on top […]


by Alina Ahmed Every tear rolled out of the eye has different story, Every drop of it makes a different memory, Some lies in the corner, Whereas some in the shower. It follwes out when ones heart is full, makes a whole of pool, But no one understand its pull, And leaves […]

Teachers Day special

by Alina Ahmed We get pleasance in stories, The stories of our glories, Which is shown by our teachers in memories, And turns into our worries. Educators are the one who enlightens our thoughts, When we get caught, For cheating that was taught, And not for answers that were sought. […]

Succeeding Sentiments.

by Alina Ahmed Rejoicing on the melodies of my song, I realised standing on my toe, I’m strong, With all the happiness I want to play along, Where not a single thing goes wrong. A smile on the face, Thinking that now everything is in its place, I want to feel […]

Stalker poem – Alice Notley

The light so thick nothing’s visible, cognoscenti I knew them, stupid apes. Real apes know more Before we said apes. I know how to be you bet- ter?—?a stupid voice. You must find a mind to respect?—?why? There was someone with ear buds, speaking gibberish who wouldn’t stop walking beside me; freckle-spattered. I had […]

Roar Shack poem – Alice Fulton

Many see a flutterby when they look into this omniscience I see as a skinniness too densely drawn or a mystery unhinged by its own symmetry, a twinning I think of as a listener that thinks along with me, fused in a tweed, a red herring- bone weave in the dazzling darkness and bleached […]

Physically Hearted

by Alina Ahmed I dont know where I lie in this world, No space for me in peoples heart, Everyone says I’m Gods special child, But I ask why m I made with such a physically disabled art ? I cannot eat with my hands, Neither can I stand on my own […]

Not my poem

by Alicja Kuberska I wrote a few words and tied them permanently. Reflections and emotions created an immaterial line. I uttered the last sentence, and he flew like a zephyr. He kissed my lips lightly and left, he walked away to strangers. He slipped into their eyes, where the tears are born. […]

My Sad Self poem – Allen Ginsberg

To Frank O’Hara Sometimes when my eyes are red I go up on top of the RCA Building and gaze at my world, Manhattan- my buildings, streets I’ve done feats in, lofts, beds, coldwater flats -on Fifth Ave below which I also bear in mind, its ant cars, little yellow taxis, men walking the […]

Mugging (I) poem – Allen Ginsberg

I Tonite I walked out of my red apartment door on East tenth street’s dusk- Walked out of my home ten years, walked out in my honking neighborhood Tonite at seven walked out past garbage cans chained to concrete anchors Walked under black painted fire escapes, giant castiron plate covering a hole in ground […]

Millions of Us poem – Alice Notley

Purportedly a chain of civilians, soldiers, voices lice they were called. It is sometimes sufficient to beg Lice creeping over one, kill them with a chemical; then there are lice-ghosts everywhere. Glints of pearly nails. The light of my beloved will keep me from noticing. Trailer to keep her in; he asked me if I […]

Meaning of silence-ness.

by Alina Ahmed I was always fascinated by the pleasure of pain, Never understood the jealously of love, I was always intensified by the moon light, But always hated the sunlight, I didn’t knew the power of evoke-ness, Rather discriminated in the passion of socialness, And was all taken by just a […]

Making The Lion For All It’s Got — A Ballad poem – Allen Ginsberg

I came home and found a lion in my room… [First draft of “The Lion for Real” CP 174-175] A lion met America in the road they stared at each other two figures on the crossroads in the desert. America screamed The lion roared They leaped at each other America desperate to win Fighting […]

Kraj Majales (King Of May) poem – Allen Ginsberg

And the Communists have nothing to offer but fat cheeks and eyeglasses and lying policemen and the Capitalists proffer Napalm and money in green suitcases to the Naked, and the Communists create heavy industry but the heart is also heavy and the beautiful engineers are all dead, the secret technicians conspire for their own […]

Kraj Majales (King Of May) poem – Allen Ginsberg

And the Communists have nothing to offer but fat cheeks and eyeglasses and lying policemen and the Capitalists proffer Napalm and money in green suitcases to the Naked, and the Communists create heavy industry but the heart is also heavy and the beautiful engineers are all dead, the secret technicians conspire for their own […]

It Would poem – Alice Notley

it would be that but only if I knew how again Could something like that get lost? no only a little a little lost but if only I remember how I mean she or I oh a freight train goes by & they always do & did do I mean a real one too […]

Industrial Lace poem – Alice Fulton

The city had such pretty clotheslines. Women aired their intimate apparel in the emery haze: membranes of lingerie— pearl, ruby, copper slips— their somehow intestinal quivering in the wind. And Freihofer’s spread the chaste, apron scent of baking, a sensual net over a few yards of North Troy. The city had Niagara […]

I the People poem – Alice Notley

I the people to the things that are were & come to be. We were once what we know when we make love When we go away from each other because we have been created at 10th & A, in winter & of trees & of the history of houses we hope we are notes […]

Human Tendency

by Alina Ahmed Aura gets so much of happiness, Yet a men mind turns out for greediness, He wants more of socialness’, But forgets that he is yet to learn that civilness. He roams in search of true friends But doesn’t even care if his parents are to an end, He claims […]

Gift poem – Alice Notley

Nothing will hurt you that much despite how you feel the stress on your back shapes your insight this splendid November rain Toussaint. I find you by your marks, he says an imprint But when I summon you, I talk to—I say— my memory of your face. It’s kind of crazy to others. They’re not […]

Feast of the Eyes

by Alina Ahmed This poem is all about how I see world from my eyes, my thought related to the universe and my importance towards it. Immensely blue sky with white silvery clouds, Seems as if it’s making some sound, Transforming itself into dark all around, That seems as if black […]

City of My Childhood

by Alicja Kuberska Far in the North, where the dark-eyed Neva River Spills its cold waters, and a June day has no end, The city of my childhood sprang up on the marsh. In a dream-like longing, I return to the granite boulevards, I marvel at the white-and-green facades of the palaces, […]

Cezanne’s Ports poem – Allen Ginsberg

In the foreground we see time and life swept in a race toward the left hand side of the picture where shore meets shore. But that meeting place isn’t represented; it doesn’t occur on the canvas. For the other side of the bay is Heaven and Eternity, with a bleak white haze over its […]


by Alicja Kuberska I no longer have a nest here But I come back, like a swallow, To places of my childhood. I wander the sandy hedgerows, To participate in the mystery of lark song. I arrange bouquets Of wild poppies and cornflowers – And raise up to the clouds. Old […]

Betrayal poem – Alice Notley

I keep going back to that word the French like it trahison the French are partly me in micro-particular disposition I sing I’m most fascinated by metaphysical betrayal and its off-color quarter-tones I mean I mean it that a bit of matter could humiliate another like in a beginning when of angels… No I […]

Before you knew you owned it poem – Alice Walker

Expect nothing. Live frugally On surprise. become a stranger To need of pity Or, if compassion be freely Given out Take only enough Stop short of urge to plead Then purge away the need. Wish for nothing larger Than your own small heart Or greater than a star; Tame wild disappointment With caress unmoved and […]

Because We Never Practiced With The Escape Chamber poem – Alice Fulton

we had to read the instructions as we sank. In a hand like carded lace. Not nuclear warheads on the sea’s floor nor the violet flow over the reactor will outlive this sorrowful rhyme. Vain halo! My project becalmed, I’ll find I’ve built a monument more passing than a breeze. It will cost us, Pobrecito. […]

Ballad Of The Skeletons poem – Allen Ginsberg

Said the Presidential Skeleton I won’t sign the bill Said the Speaker skeleton Yes you will Said the Representative Skeleton I object Said the Supreme Court skeleton Whaddya expect Said the Miltary skeleton Buy Star Bombs Said the Upperclass Skeleton Starve unmarried moms Said the Yahoo Skeleton Stop dirty art Said the Right Wing […]

About Face poem – Alice Fulton

Because life’s too short to blush, I keep my blood tucked in. I won’t be mortified by what I drive or the flaccid vivacity of my last dinner party. I take my cue from statues posing only in their shoulder pads of snow: all January you can see them working on their granite tans. […]

A winning lot

by Alicja Kuberska Life happened to me. With a gift of knowing the good with the bad. I can capture fleeting thoughts And stop time with a word. The everyday delights Bringing great mysteries. Constant wonder is my lot. I marvel how green are the leaves And how many sounds Are concealed […]

30th Birthday poem – Alice Notley

May I never be afraid especially of myself but Muhammed Ali are you telling the truth? Well you’re being true aren’t you and you talk so wonderfully in your body that protects you with physique of voice raps within dance May I never be afraid rocked and quaked the mantilla is lace whose black […]


by Alex Gross You’ve asked me already. Yet you want to know. What need have you to question Everything I say and do? Being conventional is overrated. Why? you ask. Because I must be myself. Do I Tell you to learn to play An Instrument that no One has heard of? […]

Where Are You?

by Alex Gross This is the time when I text you I’m bored in this hallway all alone. I need to see your familiar smiley face emoticon But you’re not here, Where Are You? This is the time when you call me. I hear your little voice: “We’re here, Alex, I […]

Tell Me

by Alex Gross Don’t walk away from me. I’m trying to talk to you. I know what you’re feeling, But I don’t know what is Going on in your head. Please tell me. It’s obvious I’ve upset you, So don’t pretend I haven’t. I know you well enough To know when […]


by Alex Gross I remember when I feared you. I Always thought I was inferior, And that sooner or later, you would Find out. I remember when I distrusted you. I always thought I was wrong in some Way. And that sooner or later, you would Find out. I remember […]